Chapter 1324 Have You Forgot

"It's this kid who trapped us in this city."

Yun Jinli said to Xueluo, it would be perfect for her to deal with this kid.

"Stinky boy! You dare to trap us here, don't you need to clean up?"

Xue Luo slammed Qing Xian on the head once, but he smiled smirk when he heard her words.

"Laughing even after being beaten, is there something wrong with your brain? Let me tell you, if you brat is sensible, open the city gate for me right now and send us out."

"A Luo, this is our home, the home I gave you."

When Qing Xian heard that she was leaving, she immediately took her hand and said excitedly.

"I don't even know you, you kid, don't stick to me shamelessly, if you dare to grab my hand again, I'll chop you up!"

Xue Luo patted his hand away, and said fiercely.

"Have you forgotten all of them?"

Seeing that she didn't remember herself at all, Qing Xian had a look of surprise in her eyes.

"It's okay to forget, if you forget, let's get to know each other again."

As long as Xueluo is alive and forgetting those painful pasts, it might be a good thing.

"In the night of the Bone Demon City, those souls trapped in the bones have broken free."

Yun Jinli's spiritual sense saw that the whole city suddenly became lively, and it seemed that there were many ghosts.

"Those who broke into the city must have been killed by these ghosts. They can't leave here, so they don't let others leave."

Bei Chenjue saw a series of ghosts rushing towards this place, this place cannot be stayed after nightfall.

Master Fahua held a Buddhist bead and searched for the whereabouts of Yunjinli and Beichenjue. When he saw the city full of ghosts, sweat poured down his forehead like heavy rain.

Seeing more and more ferocious ghosts, he was also under great pressure.

"What kind of Bone City is this? It's completely a ghost city."

He was chanting Buddhist scriptures in his mouth, and seeing more and more fierce ghosts surrounding him, he quickly used the Buddha's method, and the Buddha's light radiated from him, preventing them from approaching.

"The group of monks who came here at the beginning were not enough for our teeth. Let's see how long he can last?"

"That's right! Only by eating more people can we be stronger than that devil and we can rush out."

"The devil has oppressed us for so many years. When we become stronger, we will be the first to drink his blood and eat his flesh."

A series of hideous grimaces discussed viciously.

"Boy, Xueluo is weak and cannot stay outside for long. We still have things to do, so we should go on. For Xueluo's sake, we won't do anything with you."

Yun Jinli said, the evil energy in this Bone Demon City is getting heavier and heavier, and the ground has formed a thick layer of frost, and they must leave.

With her and Bei Chenjue's strength, if he really wants to fight Qing Xian, he will also suffer.

Because he and Xueluo were lovers, she didn't do it directly. If it were someone else, she would have done it mercilessly.

"Xueluo, you go back to rest first."

"Stinky boy, how dare you be disobedient, be careful that your aunt will beat you up."

Xue Luo clenched her fist, and then entered the Nine Soul Jade.

"If you want to leave, you can, but I have one condition."

Seeing the disappearance of Xueluo, Qing Xian's eyes were full of reluctance.

"What conditions?"

Yun Jinli asked.

"First, don't tell her about the past between me and A Luo. I want her to remember the happy things, and let the unhappy things pass."

Qing Xian thought for a while and made up his mind.

"Okay, I can agree to this."

Yun Jinli nodded.

 The third one!

(End of this chapter)

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