The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1335 Central Pure Land Wheel Chapter Hall

Chapter 1335 Central Pure Land Reincarnation Hall
"Cough cough."

Listening to Bei Chenjue's dharma name, Yun Jinli held back her smile.

His Dharma name is also very casual, okay?
Jueyi, the word "Jue" has the same pronunciation as his name "Jue", and "Yi" is taken from the homonym of "Yi" in his Biaozi.

At first glance, the word "jueyi" still has the charm of an eminent monk, which can bluff people.

"It turned out to be Master Jueyi. After listening to the name of the Dharma, you know that this must be a true master with profound Buddhism."

Seeing Bei Chenjue's banished immortal posture in the sky, it really feels like a god with Buddha's radiance.

"The name of the little monk is empty."

He immediately introduced himself and posted it familiarly.

"Master Jueyi, you also choose the Central Pure Land, right? You are so discerning!"

Kongkong immediately turned on the chatterbox mode, and began to chatter endlessly.

"Stop! Stop! We are going to choose a pure land, you have to talk to yourself while talking."

Yun Jinli went straight past him to get the amulet.

Just as he was holding the amulet, a wave of pure Buddha power gushed out from the amulet. The scalding temperature made Yun Jinli almost throw the amulet out.

She saw that there was no problem with everyone holding the amulets, so she naturally couldn't make the gesture of throwing the amulets, otherwise she would definitely show her feet.

"Your law name?"

A monk in charge of the registration asked, they believed that there would be guards by the Buddhas, and it was impossible for outsiders to sneak in, so there was no further inspection here.

"The little monk's name is Master."

Yun Jinli endured the hot palms, held the golden amulet, and said nonchalantly.

She secretly reminded Bei Chenjue that this amulet is not easy to hold.


The monk was slightly taken aback, and then wrote down the dharma name.

There is still such a weird dharma name, but he didn't say anything, he was just in charge of registration.

He even registered a dharma name called "Huan Lai" before, but now there are too many names, and there are all kinds of weird dharma names.

"Little monk, emptiness!"

Kong Kong also hurried over to register, picked up an amulet in his hand, nothing happened.


The corner of the registered monk's lips twitched, and he silently wrote down his dharma name.

"I went first."

Yun Jinli gestured to Bei Chenjue, and walked into Jinlian Buddha Road first.

The amulet in her hand was too hot, she was afraid that she would be discovered if she stayed any longer.

"What is your law name?"

The monk glanced at Bei Chenjue, not knowing what kind of strange dharma name he would have.


Bei Chenjue said calmly, his voice was like winter snow feathers, making people feel cold even listening to it.


The monk heard this name so normally, but he was not used to it.

When he was registering, Bei Chenjue had already walked through the golden gate holding the amulet.

This amulet was extremely hot, and the pure Buddha power seemed to burn his palm.

He didn't dare to delay, and immediately advanced rapidly.

You can only walk on this road with an amulet in hand, otherwise the road under your feet will disappear immediately.

Only Kong Kong walked slowly, seeing Bei Chenjue and Yun Jinlifeng's speed, he couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"They're fast enough!"

When Yun Jinli came to the central pure land, she felt the strong Buddha power filling the world, and even the green grass leaves on the roadside were glowing with golden light.

She put away the amulet, and the hot temperature on her hand disappeared.

Looking up at the central pure land, it is surrounded by floating clouds and auspicious colors, and the Sanskrit sounds of ancient temples.

There are many mountains and mountains, and the Buddhist temple is magnificent.

She saw the tallest golden palace in the distance, standing on the top of the auspicious clouds.

Her eyesight was very good, and she saw the large characters on the plaque.

"That's the Golden Palace of Reincarnation."

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(End of this chapter)

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