Chapter 1338 A White Jade Qilin Beast
When Yun Jinli saw Bei Chenjue's protective action, even though she was able to protect herself, she still felt a warm flow in her heart.

The invisibility cloaks worn by the two of them can only be hidden in the dark. Now that the Buddha light in this mountain is bright, there are very few places where they can hide.

There is a winding stone steps, all the way to the top of the mountain.

The surface of the stone is covered with moss, and around it is planted a patch of Moon Epiphyllum, which blooms after nightfall.

The Buddha King Xuanchuan thought that the World Honored Master Yuanhua liked epiphyllum, so he personally planted a large area of ​​epiphyllum along the way.

At this moment, under the moonlight, the epiphyllum is slowly blooming. The flowers are white, like a moon, and they look very beautiful.

Yun Jinli held the Tianfan Bell in his hand, it was a small thing, and it might be useful in this Tianji Mountain.

There is a serene atmosphere here, and the Buddha's light is like a ten-foot golden rhombic gauze, hanging down from the sky.

"Jue, you have been running around with me during this time, thank you for your hard work."

She walked on the stone steps, step by step.

They have been running around all the way, and after their wedding, except for that night of lingering sorrow, there is no time for them to get along quietly together.

He didn't complain, just supported her with actions.

She felt very lucky to have such a generous, tolerant and considerate husband by her side.

"What's so hard about it? It's hard work not seeing you."

Bei Chenjue spoke calmly, remembering the time when he was separated from her, he couldn't hear from her, and he lived in the torment of missing her every day.

On his handsome and icy face, those blue sea-like eyes were as gentle as water dripping from them.

"Your ingenuity is spent on sweet talk."

Yun Jinli pursed her pink lips lightly, with an upward curve.

"The master used to be such an aloof male god, in front of the mistress, he is simply a lover."

Xuezhan sighed with emotion, which suddenly caught Bei Chenjue's eyes sharply.

"In front of me, you are still aloof."

He glanced at Bei Chenjue, this is really his master, it can't be faked.

They walked up a flight of steps, and suddenly, both of them stopped.

On the top of the steps stands a stone tablet with ancient Buddhist characters written on it.

"Mistress, what is written on it?"

Xuezhan looked at the complicated words, and looked at each other with Bei Chenjue.

Bei Chenjue didn't know the script of the Buddhist kingdom. This kind of script was regarded as a secret of the Buddhist kingdom, and even ordinary monks were not qualified to learn it.

Only some old monks in the Buddhist kingdom have the opportunity to learn the profound Buddhist script.

"It says the steps above. You need to go to the right when you go up, and you have to go to the left when you go down. If you go in the wrong direction, there will be some danger."

Yun Jinli deciphered the words on it, Xiaodiandian taught her this personally, so she could understand the meaning of it.

Fortunately, I was curious at the beginning and learned the Buddhist script from Xiaodiandian, otherwise I would have fallen.

"The hostess is amazing! She can understand all the characters of the Buddhist kingdom."

Xuezhan said in admiration, feeling that the hostess is his idol.

He is capable and able to hold his master, and the most important thing is that his cooking skills are still so good.

"That's what little by little taught me."

Yun Jinli walked towards the steps on the right. They walked on this side, and they did not encounter any danger.

When they reached the end of the steps, Yun Jinli saw a huge white jade unicorn sleeping on it.

How can they arrive at the Palace of Reincarnation without disturbing the white jade unicorn beast?
(End of this chapter)

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