The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1357 One Person Standing by the Lake

Chapter 1357 Standing Alone By The Lake
"Let's go see where they live."

Xuanchuan Buddha asked a monk from the Discipline Hall to lead the way. When he crossed the lotus lake, the monk stopped for a while.

"World Honored One, the monk who threw himself into the lake last night did so by throwing himself into this lake. However, he failed to throw himself into the lake and was tied to this tree, but he still died."

This monk is named Lanshan, and he is the top three monks in the Discipline Hall.

He hoped to help those monks with strange diseases find clues, so he stopped in front of this lotus lake for a while to explain the situation to Yun Jinli and the others.

"Let's take a look here first."

Yun Jinli didn't expect this monk to be quite astute, even if he didn't specifically explain, after seeing their residence later, he still wanted to check the place where they threw themselves into the lake.

Now that Lanshan has brought it up, it saves their time, and they don't have to go back and forth.

"it is good."

Xuanchuan Buddha King responded, Lanshan was at the scene last night, he was not frightened, and he was able to lead them the way so calmly, which shows that he is very courageous.

Many monks who came here last night were terrified, only Lan Shan could calmly and detailedly describe what happened last night.

"Were you at the scene last night? Tell me about the situation in detail."

Yun Jinli saw traces on the ground, the grass was trampled, it should be the monk who died last night.

"Reporting to the World Honored One, at about midnight last night, the monk in charge of the little monk got up suddenly as if he was sleepwalking, and then walked towards the lake stiffly, looking like a marionette, as if someone was walking control."

Lan Shan described the scene of last night, he saw it with his own eyes, so he said it in more detail than Xuanchuan Buddha King.

"Our small group of monks saw him jumping towards the lake. At that time, he had a contented smile on his face, and he looked very strange."

He thought of the smile of the deceased when he jumped into the lake, and he still felt a chill down his back.

Even if this is the Buddha country, he can feel the chill.

"We stopped him in time, and he struggled crazily with incomparable strength. If it weren't for us being monks, we might not be able to stop him."

"and then?"

Listening to the details that Lan Shan said, Yun Jinli felt as if she was there, as if she saw a monk covered in scales, struggling madly to the death.

"We tied him up. However, not long after, the monk struggled again and died right in front of our eyes. After examination by the old doctor of the Buddha Kingdom, it was judged that he died of drowning."

When Lan Shan talked about this incident, he was also in a cold sweat.

"Obviously we saw him with our own eyes and had no chance to touch the lake at all, but he was finally declared to have drowned and died. Even the appearance and symptoms of death were those of a drowning person."

"Then did you find traces of water on him?"

Yun Jinli asked this crucial point.

"No! Not a single drop of water was found."

Lan Shan said with certainty that not only did such a thing happen here, but also happened in other pure lands.

"what is this?"

Bei Chenjue glanced at the footprints by the lake, beside the footprints, there were special water stains.

These water stains have not completely dried up, and they look like a pair of watery footprints.

No one has ever been in the water, so whose footprints are these?

"Is there anyone else standing by the lake besides you last night? Has anyone been down the lake?"

Bei Chenjue asked solemnly, the footprints were facing the direction of the deceased, one can imagine a person standing by the lake, staring at the deceased.

 The monthly ticket is given to Xiao Yunduo! ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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