The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1364 Let the Discipline Hall Do Things

Chapter 1364 Let the Discipline Hall Do Things

"I'm not from the Discipline Hall, but I can let the Discipline Hall do things."

Yun Jinli smiled slightly, let the paper butterfly fly, and found Xuanchuan Buddha King.

"You just blow it! You are a newcomer, how can you let the Discipline Hall do things?"

Kong Kong didn't believe Yun Jinli's words, so she didn't explain, but immediately went to meet Xuanchuan Buddha King.

"I have seen the Buddha King."

Kong Kong saw the person in front of him, who was clearly dressed as a Buddha king.

"I ordered people to check the location of the incident, and there were mysterious water footprints."

Xuanchuan Buddha King just nodded, and then looked anxiously at Yun Jinli and Bei Chenjue.

"Have you found any clues?"

"Yes, we suspect that there is something wrong with the raw materials for making steamed buns. Please send someone to take away the steamed buns and raw materials from the canteens immediately, and tell them not to make steamed buns."

Yun Jinli shared the clues they had found, and it was the Buddha King Xuanchuan who came forward to control the deterioration of the matter as quickly as possible.

"In addition, we need to find the monk who is responsible for delivering the ingredients, Yuan Shen."

"You guys immediately notify the Discipline Hall to search for all the raw materials for making steamed buns. Tell Lanshan about this, and all members of the Discipline Hall will search for Yuanshen immediately, and bring them here immediately if they find someone."

King Xuanchuan Buddha immediately gave the order, and the members of the Discipline Hall who followed him rushed to do it immediately.

"Buddha King actually listens to my junior brother!"

Kong Kong opened his mouth wide, was taken aback, and stared at Xuanchuan Buddha King dumbfounded.

"Is there a pharmacy near here? I need to find a place to check the ingredients of this raw material."

Yun Jinli asked, before she found someone, she had to start thinking of ways to save him.

"You come with me."

King Xuanchuan Buddha led them to a small courtyard. Outside the courtyard was a quiet bamboo forest, and there were many medicinal herbs drying in the courtyard.

When Yun Jinli walked into the yard, she smelled medicinal herbs.

"This is the residence of an old doctor. We Buddhist monks usually come to see the old doctor when they have a headache. In addition, this old doctor examines the corpse."

Xuanchuan Buddha King said, this old doctor has very old qualifications in the Buddhist country.

They opened the door and walked into the house, where an old monk was burning a strand of hair with a flame.

Yun Jinli could see that the strands of hair should be the ones that Lan Shan had taken away before.

The old monk's face was full of wrinkles, and his whole body exuded a breath of vicissitudes. He wore a pale gray robe that was washed white, and wore it on his thin body.

He is very old, but he is hale and hearty, giving people a very energetic feeling.

Seeing him checking the hair, Yun Jinli and his party did not disturb him.


The flames were burning the hair, and Yun Jinli noticed that the hair was moving, as if trying to escape.

That was not the normal behavior after the hair was burned. This scene was so weird that everyone stared at it with bated breath.


The hair rushed out, trying to escape the flames.

With a wave of the old monk's skinny palm, the golden Buddha's light enveloped the hair, making it impossible to escape.

It wasn't until the hair was burned into ashes in the flames that the old monk put the black ashes into a bottle and sealed it carefully.

Yun Jinli seemed to be able to move when she saw the black ash, and it seemed that the hair was really weird.

"Let's come here to test this raw material."

She took out the box, presumably with the help of this old monk here, he should be able to test the composition of this raw material.

"Have you found the source?"

The old monk raised his eyes and glanced at the box in Yun Jinli's hand, his gaze was calm.

(End of this chapter)

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