Chapter 140 Let's Go Clubbing Together
"This Suzaku Gate needs someone who is destined to enter. As for life and death, it depends on one's fate. But since your friend is a destined person selected by this gate, the chance of surviving is still very high. You can't get in. Every once in a while, only one person will be selected to open the Vermilion Bird Gate."

Ye Zhu told Yun Jinli in detail that he knew about the existence of Suzaku Gate, but he had never seen it before.

Now it seems that he had the opportunity to go in before?

"I feel like they wanted to choose me before that door! It hurts to think about it even if I didn't go in!"

He stroked his forehead and couldn't help sighing.

"Then let Suzakumen replace the person."

Seeing Ye Zhu's round face, Yun Jinli had the urge to kick him in.

"Don't! Don't! Don't! There are great opportunities here, but there are also dangers. I'm afraid I won't be able to get out."

Ye Zhu quickly waved his hand, he still didn't take this risk.

There is nothing in the world that can be obtained without paying, but if you want to get something, you must pay something.

"Miss, come in here quickly! Come and have a bubble together!"

Xiao DianDian said in a childlike voice, and pulled the corner of La Yun Jinli's clothes, letting her enter the Nirvana Pool.

"Xiaojin, the Nirvana Pool is formed by the condensed tears of Suzaku. It has the magical power to transform people. It's good for you to take a dip in it."

Bai Li said to Yun Jinli that many people couldn't find Nirvana Pool if they wanted to find it, and it was a great chance for them to find it.

"Girl, take your time to soak, the young master will watch out for you."

Ye Zhu knew that men and women were different, so she didn't stay here, but went outside.

Yun Jinli walked directly into the Nirvana Pool, and she found that the water in the pool was not water, but a kind of white mist wrapped around her.The mist was so dense that it looked like pool water.

She sat cross-legged to absorb the water mist of the Nirvana Pool, and the Weaving Moon Tassel she wore could purify all impurities, so she didn't need to worry about other problems.

With Bai Li guarding her side, she can practice with peace of mind.

Xilingtian was still behind Suzaku Gate, so she couldn't just leave, staying here to practice was the best choice.

She still doesn't know what is hidden in this house, but staying in this house is not dangerous for the time being.

Ye Zhu also only stays in places with Bianhua flowers and plants, so he feels safe.

He knew the efficacy and function of Nirvana Pond, but instead of competing with Yun Jinli, he gave it to her directly.

This house was too weird, the singing in his ears had disappeared, but he still didn't dare to rest, and he cheered up.

After an unknown amount of time, he heard Yun Jinli's voice.

"Little fat man, go to Nirvana Pool! I will guard it!"

Yun Jinli has absorbed the spiritual power of Nirvana Pond, which is like a seed, which will slowly take root and sprout in the future.

"Girl, be careful!"

Ye Zhu nodded, walked to the Nirvana Pool, and absorbed the power of the spirit mist.

The Nirvana spiritual power that everyone can absorb is limited, and once it reaches a certain level, it can no longer be absorbed.

"Xiaobai, you go too!"

Yun Jinli knew that Bai Li had suffered serious injuries, so the Nirvana Pool should be effective for him.

When she was cultivating, Bai Li was always guarding carefully, which made her feel very at ease.

"it is good."

When Bai Li saw that she had finished cultivating, she entered the Nirvana Pool.

Except for them, Xiao Dian Dian has been in the Nirvana Pool all the time, and she doesn't know whether she is practicing or playing.

Yun Jinli's eyes fell on the Suzaku Gate, wondering how the situation in Xilingtian was at the moment?

This time she can't help him, he can only rely on himself.

(End of this chapter)

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