Chapter 1400 The Thing Behind the Wall

"Where do you want to take me?"

Yun Jinli felt that it seemed to want to take her somewhere, although she knew that it might be too late, she still nodded and followed the little black dog.

"Wang Wang!"

The little black dog wagged its tail and immediately led her forward.

This place is already at the end, she just took away all the cages here, so it suddenly became empty here.

No one could have imagined that she could have such a large living space.

"Is there anything behind this wall?"

Yun Jinli stretched out her hand to feel the wall, thinking it was the end, but it seemed that there was another mystery.

The little black dog nodded, and wanted to use its paws to plan the wall, but was bounced away by a force.

"It seems that this wall is designed for orcs."

Yun Jinli didn't have time to delay, and smashed the wall with one palm.

Behind the wall, there is actually a space, inside which is a huge silver bird's nest, with a fiery red egg inside.

The little black dog showed an excited expression and made a "woo woo" sound.

It wants to go in and get things, but even if there is no wall, the blocking force here is still there.

"I'll get it."

Yun Jinli didn't hesitate when she heard footsteps outside, she walked through the wall and took away the bird's nest and even the egg.


She picked up the little black dog, and when a large group of people rushed over, it turned into lightning and disappeared without a trace.

Before leaving, she seemed to have left the token of Wan Gu Sect inside very carelessly.

The members of the Nangong family who came here after hearing the commotion saw the empty animal prison in front of them, all of them stared wide-eyed, and couldn't believe what they saw.

"My God!"

"Someone dared to loot our Nangong clan."

"Even the cage was stolen."

"Quick! Let the owner know."

"It's going to kill you."

Everyone was dumbfounded, showing a look of panic belatedly.

When the senior officials of the Nangong Clan got the news, they were all furious.

"Check! We must find out who did it."

Patriarch Nangong was so angry that he almost vomited blood. They collected the best spirit beasts from all over the world. What made him most angry was that even the precious cage was stolen.

"Even the cage is not spared, it's completely unconscionable!"

"Patriarch, the wall at the end over there has collapsed."

Someone came to report.

Patriarch Nangong only felt dizzy, and his eyes went black for a while.

The Nangong clan spent a lot of effort to get an egg, but it was also looted.

He felt his head was hit hard by a huge stone hammer.

He and several elders rushed over like crazy, and saw that the things inside were gone, and they were so angry that they looked hideous.

"The bastard who killed a thousand swords!"

They were all in a panic. They thought it was safe to put their things here, but they didn't expect this kind of thing to happen.

They also couldn't figure out how it was exposed?
"Patriarch, we found a token inside, it seems to have been accidentally dropped."

The head guard carefully took the token over, it was a piece of token.

Patriarch Nangong held the token, revealing the color of gnashing his teeth.

"Wan Gu Sect! How dare they act recklessly, we Nangong Clan will not swallow their anger. Immediately order that the stronghold of Wan Gu Sect in Yuling City immediately take them away."

He looked at the empty place, and his heart was bleeding.

"What's the matter with the guards? Why did you find out after it was stolen? Are you all blind?"

he snapped angrily.

"Patriarch, forgive me! It's the eldest lady who asked me to chase after a boy in red."

The guards quickly knelt on the ground. If they hadn't heard the sound, they might still be chasing him.

There is a magic circle guarding here, they didn't expect that someone would come in to loot blatantly.

 Second more!

(End of this chapter)

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