The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1405 Unlocking the text of the key

Chapter 1405 Unlocking the text of the key

"That's great, the kid really didn't disappoint me."

Granny Hua said happily that she was very proud to learn that Yun Jinli had become the new head of the Hua clan.

The Hua family has now moved to Jiangxue City, and she will go there when she leaves the church in the future.

In the Holy Mansion, Bei Chenjue found Su Yehui and Nalan Qi's residence with ease.

"Knock knock knock!"

He knocked on the door, and Nalan Qi quickly came and opened the door.

"Come in!"

Seeing that it was Bei Chenjue, he immediately greeted him.

"I'm here to pick up Yiyi, and I'm bothering you again these days."

Bei Chenjue thanked him.

"Don't be polite to us, we are friends, there is no need to talk about it, Yiyi is in the little padded jacket's room inside, she should be learning Chinese characters."

Nalan Qi was very grateful to Bei Chenjue and Yun Jinli for taking care of little Yun Yi. They had no blood relationship with Yun Yi, but they treated her so well.

Of the royal family of the Yi clan, there are only Su Yehui and Yun Yi, two brothers and sisters left.

He felt sore when he thought about it, wondering if there was a chance to revive the Wing Clan.

"I'll go find her."

Bei Chenjue stepped into Su Yehui's room, because the door was open, he walked in directly.

After getting closer, he realized that Su Yehui was teaching Xiao Yunyi how to write.

When he saw those words, his eyes widened suddenly.

"That...that's not..."

He raised his head to look at Su Yehui, then looked at Xiao Yunyi's childish face, and suddenly felt that he seemed to understand something.

"Brother in cotton padded jacket, it's Daddy who's here!"

Xiao Yunyi jumped up happily, and ran towards Bei Chenjue.

"Where are mother and uncle?"

She leaned over her shoulders and looked around curiously.

"Father and mother will send Diandian back to his hometown, and we will see him later. Your mother will join us later."

Bei Chenjue replied patiently, while Xiao Yunyi nodded obediently.

"Mmm, Yiyi is waiting for mother here."

Xiao Yunyi's soft voice was full of childishness.

"By the way, I have something here. I wonder if Mr. Su can take a look for me. What is written on it?"

Bei Chenjue took out the Wing Key and handed it to Su Yehui.

"Let me see."

Su Yehui nodded towards Bei Chenjue. He thought that few people knew the characters of the Yi clan's royal family, so he didn't hide it.

He took the key and looked at it carefully. When he saw that it was written on the royal family of the Yi clan, he was surprised.

He closed his eyes, felt the bumpy text on the surface of the key with his fingers, and deciphered the content recorded in it.

"The Wings of Desolation, guarded by the Floating Sky City of the Yi Clan, is the only key to unlocking "Cangxue Immortal Record". There are nine pieces of Wings of Desolation in total, guarded by nine major clans. The mission is to protect the Wings of Heaven and Desolation."

His deep and thick voice fell slowly.

"This key is the carrier for the Wings of Desolation, and it is also the ultimate key."

"Since this is the key, why are you looking for the Wing of Desolation?"

Bei Chenjue asked.

"Because the Wings of Desolation is the soul of the key, it's just a body. This key is not an ordinary thing, if there is no soul, it is useless."

Su Yehui said seriously, the Yi Clan was originally to protect this thing, so it was almost wiped out.

He never knew what those people were going to grab, and now it was cleared up.

""Cangxue Immortal Record" and Wings of Heaven and Desolation..."

Bei Chenjue suspected that the "Cang Xue Xian Lu" that Yun Jinli's master was looking for might be the key to unraveling the catastrophe.

(End of this chapter)

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