The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1409 I Really Admire This Medical Skill

Chapter 1409 I Really Admire This Medical Skill

Yinkong put on the clothes, feeling extremely uneasy.

His whole body was still hot, so at this moment he didn't know how his legs felt.

"Stand up and try."

Yun Jinli took a pill to speed up recovery by herself, and her eyes fell on Yin Kong's nervous handsome face.

His facial features are exquisite, he is full of books, and he looks gentle and elegant, making it impossible for people to see that he is a member of the demon clan.

A pair of wise eyes were full of uneasy light at the moment.

He took a deep breath, moved his legs, and found that his legs could move.

His brows raised sharply, and a look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

In the pupils, there seemed to be snow-white flowers blooming in the dark night.

Trembling, Yin Kong moved his legs to the ground, then stood up tremblingly, and took the first step under Yun Jinli's encouraging gaze.

"I... I can stand up! I can walk!"

He stepped barefoot on the cold ground, feeling his feet for the first time.

A suffocating ecstasy, like a wave surging from the bottom of his heart, drowned him instantly.

His eye sockets instantly turned red, with a glittering color.

"I just pulled out the cold air from your legs first. To completely cure the cold disease, you need to do it twice, otherwise the cold disease will recur."

Yun Jinli stretched out her slender fingers, and pointed at the pile of silver needles on the ground.

"The silver needles made of deep-sea mithril can only be used, and you need to provide the silver needles you need twice. I will treat you once, and all of them will be discarded. It is really a loss."

"Okay! I will prepare it myself next time."

Yin Kong walked up to Yun Jinli in two steps, and grabbed her hand excitedly.

Yun Jinli didn't expect that he would grab her hand suddenly, and he didn't dodge for a while, but he grabbed her hand.

"Mirror, thank you! Really thank you!"

Yin Kong thanked excitedly. He was usually calm and rational, and he would not show his emotions.

He was really too excited today, that's why he lost his composure.

"Just tell me how to save people, and I will thank you."

Yun Jinli looked like a man to Yin Kong at the moment, so it was not an excessive gesture for him to hold her hand to thank her, so she could only quietly withdraw her hand.

If you yell, that's too much of a fuss.

"I'll take you into the Demon Realm, but I can't guarantee whether you can save people, but I will try my best to help you."

Yin Kong felt that the small hand in her hand was gone, and belatedly realized that her hand was so slender and soft, not as wide and rough as a man's.

Maybe the hands of people who practice medicine are different.

He didn't think about other aspects, he just thought she was more delicate.

"You just need to take us to the Demon Realm, and I will take care of the other things myself."

Yun Jinli nodded, she felt that Yinkong seemed to be full of hatred for the Devil Emperor, and even she could feel that unconcealable emotion.

"When are we leaving?"

Yin Kong asked.

"Let's go now, can you? No, I'll let the guy outside carry you."

Yun Jinli couldn't wait any longer.

"I can."

Yinkong couldn't wait to experience the feeling of walking and standing. There was nothing to bring in this room, so he put on soft-soled boots, walked to the door, and opened the stone door.

"Empty! You can go!"

Tian Wujue opened his eyes wide, and when he saw Yin Kong stepping out, he was so excited that he almost screamed.

"The miracle doctor is worthy of being a miracle doctor. I am really convinced of this medical skill."

He didn't have much hope at first, but now that Yinkong was really cured, he admired Yun Jinli in his heart.

 Today, Ah Chen stewed a pot of traditional Chinese medicine for Ge'er, it was so bitter!

  Even the medicine jar was bitter.

  After taking the medicine, I overslept, and it was very late.

(End of this chapter)

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