Chapter 1414 This is Yin Kong

"Okay then! Let's hold each other's hands and we're going."

Seeing how generous they were, Yun Jinli went to save Xiao Wuyou together.

Seeing their joining, Yinkong didn't object.

He had already decided to fight Yin Tu to the death during this trip, and he didn't intend to come back alive, so it didn't matter if his identity as a demon was exposed.

He learned that that sturdy little milk baby was actually a child of the Moon God.

Seeing them united together, even daring to break into the devil world, he was very envious.

As the light of the blue tear crescent lighted up, they appeared in the teleportation array of the Star Tower of Yuling City the next moment.

They left the city non-stop, but when they reached the gate of the city, they were all stopped.

"The Nangong clan was stolen, and the whole city was searched. No one can leave the city."

In front of the closed city gate, the guard said with a serious face.

When Fenghuang'er heard that they dared to block the way, he immediately wanted to smash the city gate with his fist.

"We are honored guests of the Buddha Sect, and I order you to open the city gate."

Yun Jinli took out the token of the Buddhist sect, and when he presented the token, the Buddha's light was so dazzling that the guards at the city gate showed awe.

"Quick! Open the city gate!"

The guard spoke, not daring to delay any longer.

At this moment, there are not many people who can still go out of the city, except for the eminent monks of the Buddhist sect.

After they left the city smoothly, everyone couldn't help but look at Yun Jinli a few more times.

This guy is so against the sky, he can even get the token of the honored guest of the Buddhist sect.

"I heard that the Wild Lion Demon Kingdom respects Buddhism very much. With such a token in hand, Jing can almost walk sideways here."

Nalan Qi said with emotion, originally thought it was going to be a fierce battle, but he didn't expect to come out so easily.

"The badge of the honored guest of the Buddhist sect can only be granted by the Buddha king, even if you want to forge it, there is no way."

When Qu Liushang saw that Yun Jinli had this token, his eyes were full of surprise.

"It's just luck, I got it by chance."

Yun Jinli said calmly that she would not tell them that the Holy King of Reincarnation in the Buddha Kingdom is her younger brother, otherwise a lot of them would have to be scared to death.

"It's really good luck."

Yin Kong couldn't help but envy Yun Jinli's luck.

"Yinkong points in one direction, let's ride there."

Bei Chenjue saw that Yun Jinli had consumed a lot of spiritual power with the blue tear crescent teleportation array, so he summoned Fengxue Yinlong Xuezhan, and carried her onto Yinlong's back.

Seeing how considerate he was, Yun Jinli smiled at him.

"Flying in this direction, you can see a stone forest."

Yinkong pointed in a direction, and everyone ran towards that direction.

The speed of the three seniors was very fast, and Yinkong also summoned a griffin, and flew forward swiftly and swiftly.

Nalan Qi led Su Yehui and walked with his sword, but he didn't fall behind.

When they were on their way, the red-eyed dragonfly flapped its wings and flew out of the shattered barrier in the Glazed Realm.

A while ago, the enchantment of the Glazed Glass Realm shattered, so it gave others an opportunity to take advantage of it.

The blood dragonfly flew into a house and landed on a woman's hand.

"Oh, it really didn't take much effort to get here. I didn't expect to find Yin Kong. I originally wanted to monitor the mirror, but now I have an unexpected harvest."

A cold sneer appeared on the woman's face, and a ghost face incense burner appeared in her hand.

I don't know who took the incense burner last time, but they can't find anything if they think about it.

A phantom floated from the Ghost Face Incense Burner, it was Hua Liuyan who was burned to death.

"You said that Jing is a woman. She stole Brother Hanxi's heart and made him not even look at me. I will let her go to the Demon Realm this time and never come back."

A sinister look appeared on the woman's enchanting face.

 Guess who this bad woman is?

(End of this chapter)

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