The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1417 This time it's a hemorrhage

Chapter 1417 This time it's a hemorrhage
The incomparably dark vortex makes people feel like the world is spinning.

Yun Jinli felt that Bei Chenjue's hand was holding her hand tightly, never letting go.

A cold and irritable breath rushed towards Yun Jinli's face, and Yun Jinli saw a completely different picture in front of him.

This place is full of murderous atmosphere, and the sky looks gloomy and oppressive.

Yin Kong stood straight on that pitch-black stone, his eyes were extremely cold, and there was a suffocating sadness on his body.

"There is a teleportation array here, which can lead to the magic capital."

He opened his mouth and felt that Yun Jinli and the others had arrived.

Yun Jinli counted the number of people, and saw that Su Yehui and Nalan Qi were safe, and the others had also arrived.

Knowing that this passage is so thrilling and exciting, she put the others away first.

"If you go back, do you also go here?"

Yun Jinli asked.

"Well. The passage back is behind the dark stone wall, which is a swamp of black mist."

Yin Kong didn't know if he could send them away alive, so he pointed Yun Jinli in a direction.

"Wait for me, I will draw a teleportation array."

Yun Jinli found a safe corner and immediately began to draw the teleportation array.

She had to think about their retreat, otherwise how to retreat would be a big problem if they saved someone.

Bei Chenjue directly set up a guard formation in the surrounding area, including the range of the return passage mentioned by Yin Kong.

He has always been cautious in his actions, so he set up the magic circle in advance to avoid accidents.

Su Yehui also put some things around here, but everyone didn't know what he put.

Nalan Qi only knew that those were Su Yehui's little inventions, he always made some weird things, different from other tool spirit masters.

"One communication instrument for each person. This is the latest one I made. You don't need to speak, you just need to use your spiritual consciousness to talk to each other. Moreover, the distance is a bit further. After you find someone, you can notify each other."

Su Yehui took out a handful of things as small as a button, and shared one with each of them.

"It's so small, is it really useful?"

Fenghuang'er held the little button, wondering if it was as magical as he said.

"Try it, and then you'll know."

Su Yehui said confidently that the things he made have always been high-quality goods.

Fenghuang'er put this little button on her body, then used her spiritual sense to communicate with everyone, and then heard the other party's voice clearly, which made her look surprised.

"It's really useful. With this, it will be much more convenient for us to contact."

"There is also this, called the teleportation bead. If you crush it when you are in danger, it will appear in a random place. Where it will appear, it depends on your luck. It is best not to use it if you can."

Su Yehui took out another thing to save everyone's life, because there were not many, so each person had one.

Even Yin Kong got one, he didn't want it at first, but he thought it might be useful when saving his mother, so he accepted it.

"Thank you."

He saw that everyone was well-prepared, and perhaps saving lives was not a fantasy.

"The little padded jacket is bleeding a lot this time."

Yun Jinli drew the teleportation array, and took what Su Yehui gave.

"There is one more important thing, everyone must wear it on their bodies."

Su Yehui found a few leaves and handed them out one by one.

"Little padded jacket, what is this?"

Bei Chenjue asked curiously, what's so important about this leaf?

"This leaf can cover everyone's own popularity. If necessary, you can move the leaf and emit some evil spirits, which can cover us in."

Su Yehui explained it, making everyone feel that this thing is indeed necessary.

 Good night, little snowflakes!

(End of this chapter)

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