Chapter 1447 What Did She Answer?

"Don't regret it, if you leave here, your life and death will have nothing to do with our Magic Clothes Palace."

The little maid said proudly, showing a superior expression.

"Don't worry about it."

Yun Jinli said lightly, with an arrogant posture, as proud as a queen.

Her indifferent look made the little maid grit her teeth angrily.

As a maid of the Magic Clothes Palace, she serves the Lord of the Palace. Who is not respectful when seeing her?

It's really annoying that this woman is so arrogant.

"Don't go! What is the answer?"

"Tell us now!"

"Why did we get the answer wrong? What did she answer?"

Everyone asked curiously, and some coveted what Yun Jinli held.

"Since someone got the answer right, I will reveal the answer for the Hall Master."

The little maid said, and made everyone look over in unison.

For this ignorant woman, she did not try to keep her.

Originally, she could temporarily avoid these people's coveting by attending the dinner party of the hall master, and the hall master will arrange for her to leave at that time.

She refused the kindness of the palace master, if someone robbed her, it would be none of her business.

"The murderer was the person who lived on the top of the cliff, and the deceased was the person who knocked on the door. Because when he opened the door, he knocked the person who knocked down the mountain, which resulted in the death of the other person."

Hearing the answer announced by the little maid, everyone was dumbfounded.

"Who is this? He died after being knocked down the mountain."

"It's too weak, isn't it?"

"That person is actually the murderer."


Everyone was stunned for a while, and they didn't expect this answer at all.

In fact, the problem is not very difficult, it's just because the members of the demon clan are all strong and strong, and they never expected that someone would fall down the mountain and die.

Yun Jinli considered it from the perspective of ordinary people, so she came up with the answer easily.

Originally, the answer was very simple, but everyone had to think about the complicated aspects, thinking that the answer to the question raised by the Palace Master must be difficult, so no one came up with it.

Everyone has only one chance to answer the question, so they all think about complicated things.

Yun Jinli got into the carriage, and everyone knew that someone would come to snatch the things, so they scattered the carriages immediately.

Everyone followed them, but when they saw that there was no one in the carriage, they were all stunned.

"What about people?"

When they were chasing Yun Jinli, she had already sneaked into the crowd, leaving only the empty carriage.

"Keep looking."

Everyone searched everywhere for Yun Jinli's whereabouts. She had already changed back to her own form and gathered with other people.

"Let's find a place to stay first! I know there is an inn with a hot spring. Before you go back, you need to take a good soak. I have prepared Yunxianghua for you."

Moyan said, she didn't expect it to go so smoothly this time.

He couldn't think of an answer to this question.

Everyone felt admiration for Yun Jinli's answer to this question.

It is really amazing to be able to think of the answer in such a short time.

"Is that place safe?"

Phoenix asked.

"It's very safe. It's in the most bustling and bustling place. All the nobles come and go, and no one will disturb you. The inn is always full, but I know the owner, so there will be rooms."

Mo Yan took everyone to stay, and Yun Jinli gave Su Yehui all the materials.

It is said that this inn also has a practice room for guests, and will not be disturbed by anyone.

As Moyan said, the environment here is very good, but it is also overcrowded.

With the relationship of the magic smoke, they were allocated four guest rooms.

 Sixth update!Although this chapter was written after midnight, it was still yesterday.

  Because Ge'er was cleaning during the day, she was busy for a long time, so she wrote late at night.

  Good night little snowflakes.

(End of this chapter)

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