Chapter 1450 What is he trying to do?

When the brothers and sisters of the Feng family rushed to the wing room where Mo Fuyan and the others lived, they were treating Xiao Wuyou.

Hearing the knock on the door, Qu Liushang opened the door.

When he saw that it was Feng Liuyue and the others, he relaxed his vigilance.

"come in!"

Qu Liushang said, after they entered the room, they immediately closed the door.

Now that they are still in the magic capital, they have to be more cautious.

"Where is You'er? Was he injured? Who captured You'er? Where did you find him?"

Feng Qingyun asked a series of questions without stopping for a moment, so that Qu Liushang didn't know which one to answer first.

Feng Liuyue walked into the house quickly, and when she saw Sheng Wuyou, her eyes instantly became moist.


Sheng Wuyou shouted childishly, with surprise in his eyes.

"You'er, my You'er!"

Feng Liuyue hugged Sheng Wuyou, feeling his weakness, her heart ached terribly.

She hugged him like a lost and found treasure.

"The one who captured You'er was the Devil Emperor. This time it was Jing and Bei Chenjue who found You'er. Poor You'er was thrown under the Demon Abyss, and almost lost his life."

Mo Fuyan said, if it wasn't for his fate, their mother and child would be separated forever.

"Devil Emperor!"

A chill appeared in Feng Liuyue's eyes, and she wished she could go to him now to settle the score.

"I'm going to kill that thief!"

Feng Qingyun said angrily, turned around and wanted to seek revenge from the Devil Emperor.

"I, Liushang, Huang'er, the three of us tried our best, and we are not the Devil Emperor's opponent. Now he doesn't know about You'er's rescue, so don't startle the snake. Healing You'er is the most important thing now."

Mo Fuyan stopped Feng Qingyun, lest he get into trouble impulsively.

"So angry!"

Feng Qingyun was furious when she heard Mo Fuyan's words, but she couldn't go to the Devil Emperor to settle the score.

"What exactly does he want to do? Why take You'er away? Don't you want his eyes?"

Feng Liuyue learned that the Devil Emperor threw Sheng Wuyou into the Demon Abyss, but did not take Sheng Wuyou's eyes, so why did he do this?
"We don't know either."

Everyone doesn't understand what the Devil Emperor thinks.

"By the way, Jingjing also lives here, right? She saved Xiao You'er, so I'm going to thank her."

Feng Qingyun said.

"She lives in the room opposite."

Mo Fuyan felt that they should go to the door to thank them, the Moyuan was so dangerous, they risked their lives to save the child, this kindness was too great.

"Then let's go."

Feng Liuyue wrapped Sheng Wuyou up, carried him to the opposite side.

Feng Qingyun immediately reached out to knock on the door, afraid that the people inside would not hear, so she patted hard.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Bei Chenjue hugged Yun Jinli and refused to let go, but the knock on the door outside was too loud for him to ignore.

"I'm going to get dressed, don't push yourself too hard, or you won't be able to enter my room for a month."

Yun Jinli glared at him, this guy is going too far.

"Miss, I just want to revisit my husband, you are so ruthless!"

Bei Chenjue came out of the bath and changed into clean clothes.

Yun Jinli guessed that Feng Liuyue and the others had arrived, so she hurriedly put on her clothes.

It's just that the marks on her neck are too obvious, she can only use the illusion technique to cover them up, otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

"Sorry, it's been a long wait."

Yun Jinli opened the door, and the fragrance of Yunxiang flowers filled the room.

Seeing that Yun Jinli's hair was still soaked, Feng Qingyun guessed that she must be taking a bath.

Turning around, seeing Bei Chenjue also looked like a beauty out of the bath, he couldn't help opening his mouth wide.

"You are mandarin ducks—bath!"


Feng Liuyue patted him on the head, this kid was really speechless.

 Doing housework during the day is so tiring!Back pain.

  Ge'er, who has been busy all day, only has time to code words at night, and the update is relatively late, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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