Chapter 1458 A Special Innkeeper

"Is she really your mother? I think she treats you more like an enemy."

Feng Liuyue's cold voice fell calmly.

She saw the crazy woman in front of her, as if she only knew a tool for killing, and there was no human emotion in her eyes other than killing intent.

"When I just rescued my mother, she was still fine. It was Yintu who deserved to go to hell. What did he do to my mother to make her become like this. Any living thing would want to kill."

When Yin Kong mentioned the name of his enemy, he gritted his teeth.

His mother, Lan Ruolei, was originally a dignified and noble woman with a temperament like Lan, and she loved their brothers and sisters very much.

Because his mother and father were in harmony, the unexpected child Yin Tu was ruthlessly abandoned.

Seeing his loving mother in such a state, he hated and ached in his heart.

"Love to kill is a disease, and it must be cured."

Yun Jinli saw that Lan Ruolei was like a mad beast, constantly trying to break free from the rope, and grinned at them with a ferocious expression.

She used sleeping powder, which temporarily put Lan Ruolei into a deep sleep.

"She fell asleep, untie the rope on her body!"

"Is it really okay? She went crazy, and her strength was amazing."

Yinkong was almost killed by her before, and was injured by her because he was unprepared.

"With us here, she can't make any waves. You'd better treat your wound first, so as not to get infected in time."

Yun Jinli saw that Lan Ruolei's body was covered with bloodstains from the rope, she looked pitiful.

This rope is a specially made rope to bind the devil, and the harder you try to break free, the tighter it will be tied.

"Then please."

When Yinkong saw the scars on his mother's body, it hurt more than being stabbed himself.

It's not that he is ruthless, but that she will go crazy if he doesn't tie her up.

They can hide here now because the owner of the inn is his old friend and takes good care of him.

It has to be said that the owner of this inn is an elegant person, and he likes the rhythm and elegance of the piano the most.

He is not from the demon clan, but he has flourished in the demon world and made friends from all over the world, as if there is no one in the world who is not his friend.

That guy has never made friends regardless of age, young and old, both men and women.

And most importantly, that person is not afraid of anyone, and dares to offend anyone.

He dared to keep even the thorn in his flesh as the Devil Emperor's thorn in the flesh.

After untying the rope on Lan Ruolei's body, Feng Liuyue applied ointment on her.

She had a lot of scars from being strangled by the rope, not serious, but still very painful.

"My medicinal powder is very effective. You don't have to look nervous. Don't doubt my alchemy skills. I'm also a high-star alchemist."

Yun Jinli caught a glimpse of Yin Kong's nervous expression, and spoke to ease his mood.

"It's not that I don't believe in your alchemy skills."

Yinkong quickly explained that he couldn't help but take a second look at her in women's clothing.

Right now, his mind is not on Yun Jinli, but on his mother's safety, otherwise he will be amazed.

"She shows no signs of poisoning, there is no poison in this blood."

Yun Jinli saw that everything was normal in her condition, it seemed that she had a Gu that was more troublesome than poison.

Poison is dead, Gu is alive.

"Yueyue, she has Gu poison on her body, don't touch her, I'll deal with it."

She said seriously, Feng Liuyue is not familiar with Gu poison, it is best not to touch her.

If it is contaminated with Gu poison, it will be very troublesome.

"What kind of Gu poisoned my mother?"

Yinkong asked.

(End of this chapter)

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