Chapter 1489 I Can Have Nothing

"Mother, this is our private matter, don't worry about it too much."

Bei Chenjue frowned and said displeasedly.

Although he is filial and grateful to his parents for giving him life, he is never influenced by anyone, not even his queen mother.

"Yi'er, you are the king of a country, how can you be arrogant? You want to marry Miss Liu, and the queen mother will also rely on you, but you can't let the royal family have no descendants!"

The Empress said excitedly, she was afraid that the curse of the Empress of the Ancient Galaxy would still be there, and if the inheritance of incense was really cut off, what should I do?

"Little Yunduo can bear children for me. I don't need others, and no one else is worthy. And I am not the only one in the royal family. My brothers and sisters can naturally contribute to the prosperity of the royal family."

Bei Chenjue said lightly, if the person in front of him was not his mother, he would not want to tell her so much at all.

He didn't let Yun Jinli know about this, lest she feel uncomfortable.

He wanted to settle the matter completely before Yun Jinli returned from the demon world.

It was considered appropriate for him to arrange this way. If Yun Jinli knew that her mother-in-law was going to marry her husband a concubine, and planned to marry a lot of them, calling it "spreading branches and leaves", the consequences would be disastrous.

"Yi'er, you don't understand the Queen Mother's intentions..."

The empress said hesitantly, with a look of helplessness on her face.

"I know the curse of the queens of the ancient galaxy. Every queen can't live past 40 years old."

Bei Chenjue said calmly, originally he didn't want to talk about this matter, so as not to put pressure on the queen mother, but now he felt that he had to say it.

"Yi'er! How do you know?"

The Empress looked at him in shock, she couldn't believe that he knew this secret.

"If I don't know this secret, how can my mother survive this death?"

Bei Chenjue's words made her instantly understand that it was not an accident at all that she was able to escape, but he secretly saved her.

"The person who saved you is not only me, but also Xiao Yunduo, who is the princess I am marrying."

He looked at the empress's wide eyes, and slowly told the truth that he had been hiding all along.

"That curse is actually a blood contract between mother and child. I forcibly cut off the blood contract between us, so that the queen mother no longer needs to sacrifice her life to me."

The empress was already stunned. Listening to him, she didn't know what to say to calm the turmoil in her heart.

"Because of this, I lost all my spiritual power and became a useless person. It was she who didn't leave me when I fell into the dust, protected me all the way, and overcame many difficulties."

Bei Chenjue's voice was a bit dignified, and the surrounding was extremely quiet, only his voice could be heard clearly.

"In order to restore my spiritual power, she lost half of her lifespan, and her hair turned white for a moment. She sacrificed so much for your son to survive. You actually forced your son to marry another woman to hurt her Heart?"

His tone was a little excited, but also angry.

"I don't care whether it's the country or the heirs. I can have nothing, but I can't lose her, and I won't let anyone hurt her at all. Neither myself nor my relatives."

He wants a child with his beloved, if it is not her child, then he would rather not have it.

And if there is a choice between the child and her, he will choose her without hesitation.

He loved her dearly, with or without children, and it wouldn't make a difference.

"Her white hair... turned out to be..."

The empress's eyes were rosy, and she thought it was unlucky for the princess to be young and have gray hair, but now that she learned the truth, she couldn't stop crying, feeling guilty for what she had done.

It turned out that the girl had paid so much for her son!
 Good night little snowflakes!
(End of this chapter)

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