Chapter 1491 Can Surely Save Us

A scream pierced the silence of the night.

When everyone heard this cry, they were flustered at first, but at the moment they were even more confused.

"There's something in the water, who grabbed my foot"

Someone yelled in horror, and then there was only the sound of struggling in the water.

"Quick! Get out of here quickly."

The leading brother hurriedly shouted, there is no light at all here, it is so dark that it makes people despair.

Everyone heard the words and swam desperately towards the outside, but it was so dark that there was no light, and they didn't even know if they were swimming in the right direction.


Suddenly a thunderbolt flashed like a silver snake, illuminating everyone's eyes.

Only then did they realize that they were actually swimming towards the water pool, and they were so frightened that they swam back quickly.

People who don't know how to swim will sink.


The heavy rain poured down, and everyone fled in a panic.

They didn't expect to encounter such a terrible thing after choosing such a good place to rest.

Even before they saw what it was, several people had already died.

"What should we do? Where should we escape?"

Yin Jun'er was already trembling with fright. Seeing so many people, there were only five left at once, and the others were dragged into the bottom of the water and disappeared. They were probably dead.

"Flee over there."

The senior brother said, leading the survivors to flee to where Yun Jinli and the others were.


Everyone ran wildly, thinking they had escaped, but when they turned their heads and saw that figure, they caught up with them, their scalps exploded, and they were too frightened to stop.


The remaining five people ran forward quickly, even if they fell down, they had to get up and continue running.

Yin Jun'er didn't take this training task seriously at first, but now she was so frightened that she almost lost her wits.

Finally, they saw a little fire in the darkness.

Just when they were about to be overtaken, they arrived at the place where Yun Jinli was camping.

The warm light of the fire shone on their pale and frightened faces, and also illuminated those who were chasing them.

It was a person made of water, which made them all scared when they looked at it.

This is the water demon, originally unable to leave the water, but because of the heavy rain, he can walk through the rain.

He wanted to absorb the vitality and spiritual power from them. These fragile lives were not worth mentioning in his eyes.

"he came!"

Yin Jun'er quickly used her spiritual power to fight out, but she couldn't deal with the water monster at all, and didn't hurt him at all.

And even if they hit the water demon, he can condense into a human form in the water.

They are at the level of phantom spirit masters. Even the most powerful senior is just phantom spirit masters. They are really too weak in front of this water demon who has cultivated for hundreds of years.

"There is an enchantment, we can't get in."

A junior sister was so frightened that she cried. Seeing so many people die, she was afraid that she would be the next one.


"Save us!"

They slapped the barrier, hoping someone could save them.

"It would have been nice if Senior Brother Wuqing was here, but unfortunately he went to Longyuan Sacred Mansion, otherwise he would definitely be able to save us."

The senior brother said, seeing the water monster approaching them, they tried their best to attack, but it didn't work at all.

They closed their eyes in despair, waiting for death to come.

"The yelling in the middle of the night, do you want people to rest?"

Yun Jinli's voice fell down, like the sound of heaven in their ears.

When they opened their eyes, they saw that water demon was frozen into ice, standing in front of them.

Any slower and they're dead.

 Geer needs inspiration to write a book, so be patient!

(End of this chapter)

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