Chapter 1493

The rest of the journey went smoothly. The strength of the two was already strong. As long as they didn't go to some restricted areas to die, there would be no monsters to be their opponents.

The road they took was considered a safe area within the historic site.

When they reached the end, they saw a large stone gate surrounded by ancient vines.

This door is the ivy stone door leading to the demon world. After passing through this door, the world in front of you is completely different.

Large expanses of greenery and huge trees are even more spectacular than the big trees in the oldest virgin forest.

The demon world is divided into many territories, and countless demon clans live in these territories, led by the demon king.

The place they arrived at this moment is called Qingmu Ridge, which is the land of the tree demon.

"Li'er, I'm leaving, you should be careful all the way. Monsters are the most scheming, so don't be too merciful, lest you suffer a disadvantage."

Feng Liuyue looked at this vast and vast world, every plant and every tree could become a demon, she patted Yun Jinli on the shoulder, and warned her carefully.

"I'm not even afraid of people, let alone monsters? Don't worry! I can't suffer."

Yun Jinli said with a smile, people's hearts are the most unpredictable in this world, a monster is a monster, but a person may become a monster.

Feng Liuyue nodded and flew into the forest.

This demon world is so vast, she believes that she can find the remaining blood of the sacred tree and save Master.

The demon world made her feel very familiar, as if she had been here before.

About her past, she felt that she could find it here.

"Mother, where are we going?"

Seeing Feng Liuyue leave, Xiao Yunyi looked up at Yun Jinli and asked.

"Let's go find your little uncle Bai."

Yun Jinli said with a smile, she sensed where the great god Luanqing was, and immediately rode the rainbow unicorn and flew there.

At this moment, God Luanqing and Bai Li are in a colorful mountain stream. Both of them have scars on their bodies. The one guarding the colorful mountain stream is an old green dragon. The two of them have worked hard to reach the colorful spring.

The demon dew can only be collected from the amber crystal orchid by the colorful spring in the colorful mountain stream. At dawn, a drop of demon dew will condense on the petals of the amber crystal orchid.

This is the reason why the old Qingjiao occupies this place, it wants to monopolize this Heavenly Demon Dew.

"Great God, I'll stop that old Jiao, you quickly collect the Heavenly Demon Dew."

Bai Li opened his mouth and said, the nine tails spread out behind him, and rushed towards the huge old green dragon.

God Luanqing came to the colorful spring, collected the crystal clear demon dew, and put it into a container.

Then, he directly dug away the amber crystal orchid with its roots and soil, and finally collected a pool of colorful spring water into the space.

"Little fox, get out quickly."

The Great God Luanqing quickly sent a voice transmission to Baili, and an incomparably crimson fire burned blazingly, turning into a sky of flames.

Bai Li took this opportunity and immediately flew outside.

The Great God Luanqing threw him on his back, fluttered his wings and flew away in a streamer.


A huge roar came from the mountain stream.

Old Qingjiao discovered that the amber crystal orchid had been dug away, and chased it out fiercely.

"I just took a drop of Tianyaolu, and this old guy actually wants to hunt him down!"

Seeing the old Qing Jiao relentlessly chasing after him, Bai Li said speechlessly.

They originally begged for a drop of Tianyaolu with good words, but the old guy refused to give it, so they had no choice but to grab it.

"Didn't I tell you that because I didn't feel good looking at that old thing, did I uproot the flower? By the way, there is also that pool of spring water. I heard that the flower can only live if there is spring water."

Bai Li was dumbfounded by what the Great God Luanqing said.

 Good night, little snowflake!
(End of this chapter)

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