The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1496 Ask the Snow Wolf King for help

Chapter 1496 Ask the Snow Wolf King for help

The fox demon turned into a human form, which is very beautiful.

Bai Li's appearance was even more outstanding.

The charming figure that turned all living beings upside down was so exquisite that it made people sigh.

A pair of fox eyes are soul-stirring, and the slightly raised eyebrows reveal a trace of charm.

Dressed in a sky-blue flowing cloud robe, embroidered with a few peach blossoms, scorching and enchanting.

The golden flame pattern on the forehead looks very eye-catching.

The snow-white long hair is as beautiful as his hair, without any blemishes.

On the long pointed ears, there is a pink rhinestone and gold-plated earrings.

"Xiao Jin, why do you keep looking at me? Don't you know me?"

Bai Li blushed a little when Yun Jinli saw it, and a thin layer of peach blossom powder floated on his handsome face, which looked like delicate flowers blooming on the branches.

"It's just the first time I've seen Xiaobai who looks so good-looking."

Yun Jinli smiled slightly, and praised.

Bai Li's face turned redder, and he was extremely shy when he heard her words.

If other people say that he is good-looking, he will be angry and angry.

However, from what she said, he felt that it was good to be good-looking, at least he could make her look at him for a while longer.

"This great god looks much better than this fox, and I didn't hear you praise me."

God Luanqing said dissatisfied.

"Master, I'm an upright person, you can't make me open my eyes and talk nonsense!"

Yun Jinli said seriously, which made Luanqing jump in anger.

"I'm not here, you just toss yourselves into this virtue."

She took out the ointment and treated the wounds on both of them.

"Isn't this great god just to get you Tianyaolu? You, a dead woman, don't know how to be grateful to this great god."

The great god Luanqing said, took out a drop of Tianyaolu and handed it to Yun Jinli.

"You take time to absorb its power, this demon dew can repair your body's damage."

When Yun Jinli learned that the Great God Luanqing and Baili had specially gone to find Tianyaolu for her, and that they were covered with scars, a warm current surged in her heart.

The Snow Wolf King looked at the way they got along with each other, it was so warm, which made him very envious.

From Yun Jinli's body, he saw the figure of that carefree Zi Ying.

If time could be turned back and everything could be restarted, he would rather give everything, as long as Ziying would be happy forever, and not meet that terrible man.

The name of the Snow Wolf King is Cangquan, the Snow Wolf who once accompanied Ziying Ziyue.

After Ziyue died, he returned to the demon world, and he practiced desperately in isolation from the world, just to meet them again.

"Let's talk business!"

Yun Jinli was sitting by the side, it seemed that Bai Li had encountered difficulties, so he came to ask the Snow Wolf King for help.

"Now the snake demon clan colludes with the demon clan and intends to enslave the demon clan. Although our fox clan intends to stop it, we are weak and weak. I hope the wolf clan can form an alliance with us."

Bai Li spoke, with a serious look on his face.

Which side the Snow Wolf King decides to support is now crucial.

If he wants to stay out of it, how can there be eggs under the overturned nest?
"Okay, this king has decided to form an alliance with you."

The Snow Wolf King agreed, and Bai Li was surprised by such a straightforward decision.

Bai Li originally thought that it would take a lot of talking to get the Snow Wolf King to support him, but he didn't expect him to agree so easily.

The messengers sent at the beginning couldn't even meet the wolf king, which meant that he didn't intend to form an alliance.

What made him change his mind?

"Then let's discuss the details of the alliance carefully."

Bai Li came back to his senses and said excitedly.

"Wolf King, is there a place to rest here?"

The great god Luanqing asked, they discussed the matter of forming an alliance, so he took Yun Jinli to refine the drop of Tianyaolu.

"Come on, take them to the guest room."

Snow Wolf King gave an order, and someone immediately took them to their residence.

(End of this chapter)

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