Chapter 150

"Little Tian, ​​stop!"

Yun Jinli said anxiously, her soul seemed to be trapped in a golden cocoon, unable to break free.

That tree species has been lurking on her body, because she entered the haunted house and was triggered by Yin Qi, so she woke up.

The spirit-eating tree species cannot live alone, it can only attach to people and live in symbiosis with them.However, at the time of symbiosis, it also occupies the body of that person.

The more hosts it has, the stronger its mother body will become.

Yun Jinli knew that if she didn't do anything, both she and Xilingtian would die.

Without the body of the soul, there is no point in living.

"Master, Zhiyue will protect your soul, but your soul power cannot break through the imprisonment of the thousand-year-old tree demon, and you need external force to do it."

Zhiyue's gentle voice reached Yun Jinli's ears, and it was reassuring.

"What kind of external force can break through the power of the Ten Thousand Year Tree Demon?"

Yun Jinli calmed herself down and thought about it. The Wannian Tree Demon was so powerful that she couldn't resist it with her current strength, there was no doubt about it.

"Everything in the world is mutual generation and mutual restraint, what can resist the tree demon?"

She was thinking about this question, wood is afraid of fire, but unfortunately her strength is too far from that of the tree demon, so she knows that there is no way to overcome it.

Just like pouring a small cup of water into a raging fire, it cannot be extinguished, it will only be evaporated into mist.

"Have it!"

There was a flash of inspiration in her mind, and she almost forgot about that thing.

She began to sense the existence of Yin Yang Flower in her palm, it was always in her palm, but she didn't know how to use it.

This yin and yang flower has existed in the world for an unknown period of time, and the records about it are all a long, long time ago.

Compared with the qualifications of this dryad, Yin Yang Hua is obviously higher.

She couldn't control Yin Yang Hua, but she could try her best to make it fluctuate slightly.

The golden tree species sensed the fluctuations of the Yin-Yang Flower, and immediately gave up Xiling Tian, ​​and approached the Yin-Yang Flower greedily, wanting to grab its power.

The Yin Yang flower was lying there quietly and dormant, but was disturbed by this golden tree species.

It was originally a spiritual thing, and it became angry immediately, and the white soft light enveloped the golden tree species.

The golden tree species felt that its power was being swallowed madly, and only then did it realize that something was wrong and wanted to escape.

It's a pity that it's too late, the majestic suction of the Yin Yang flower has deprived it of all vitality.


The golden tree species turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared into the world.

The powerful vitality poured into the yin and yang flower, and part of it merged into Yun Jinli's body.Even a little bit has benefited her a lot.

It was a tree species condensed from the life essence of the Ten Thousand Years Tree Demon. It originally wanted to occupy Yun Jinli's body as its host, but it ended up losing itself instead.

Yun Jinli's soul returned to her body, and she felt that she was really alive, and her body was full of vitality.

After experiencing this danger, she realized more deeply that she still has a long way to go in the future. There are too many powerful beings in this world who can easily take the lives of common people.

After she opened her eyes, she glanced at her palm, that Yin-Yang flower possessed extremely terrifying power, capable of devouring the vitality of living beings in an instant.

If it wasn't for it not wanting to hurt her, she couldn't resist at all.

"Xiao Tian!"

She went to check on Xilingtian's situation immediately, and she was really moved when she remembered that he risked his life to save her before.

"He lost a lot of blood, I'm afraid it's a bad luck!"

Ye Zhu said, feeling guilty in her heart.

"I won't let anything happen to him."

Yun Jinli quickly took out herbs to stop Xilingtian's bleeding, but the wound on his palm couldn't heal.

(End of this chapter)

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