The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1508 The strange disease in Baicheng

Chapter 1508 The strange disease in Baicheng
Originally, Yun Jinli planned to give the spirit beast to Baili and leave, but they had already arrived in Baicheng, so she decided to take Xiao Yunyi to see the capital of the demon world.

She rarely takes Xiao Yunyi out to play, this opportunity is rare.

Xiao Yunyi is full of curiosity about everything, and the world full of bright colors is reflected in her big eyes.

After entering the city, Bai Li asked people to arrange these spirit beasts so that they could live in a suitable place.

"His Majesty Baidi, something serious has happened!"

A squirrel flapped its wings and flew over from a distance, turning into a girl in yellow.

"What's the panic about?"

When Bai Li saw the little squirrel, he asked a question.

"It's a terrible strange disease that has appeared in the city. Many demons have contracted this strange disease, and people are panicking now."

The little squirrel said anxiously, and explained the situation to Bai Li.

"What strange disease?"

Bai Li inquired, before he left here it was fine, it must be that the snake demon clan cooperated with the demon clan and secretly used despicable means to mutilate the demon clan in Baicheng.

"Vines will grow in the body of the infected person. When the vines bloom, the infected person will be turned into ashes. It is very scary."

The little squirrel said anxiously, many people are suffering from this strange disease nowadays, and everyone is helpless, unable to think of any solution.

"Take us to see."

Yun Jinli said lightly, originally she wanted to come to Baili's place to sit and drink tea, but now it seems that she is not so relaxed and comfortable.

"She is?"

Little Huang Que didn't know Yun Jinli, but thought this woman was really good-looking, and wondered if she was the concubine brought back by Emperor Bai.

For so many years, Baidi has not had a concubine, and there is no woman around him who can get close to him.

Many people admired Baidi, especially some women of the fox clan, who even wanted to become the demon queen.

Now that Baidi has brought back such a beautiful woman, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of trouble.

"Lead the way ahead, don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

Bai Li's majestic voice fell down, causing the little squirrel to shut up quickly, and only looked at Yun Jinli curiously a few times.

The little squirrel led the way, and soon brought them to the medical hall in Baicheng.

Monsters can also get sick, but they rarely get sick. Most of the medical halls are used to help them treat their injuries.

In the demon world, beatings and killings are very common. When you are missing an arm or a leg, you will come to the doctor of the demon clan for treatment.

Walking into the hospital, Yun Jinli saw many patients lying on the beds.

What surprised her was that these patients were all children.

"Are all children suffering from strange diseases this time?"

Bai Li also saw this situation, the clinic was already overcrowded, and many sick people were still at home.

"Your Majesty Baidi, it's really pitiful that the sick are all children this time."

The old doctor from the medical center came walking with a cane. He was a monster cultivated from a plant of grass, and people called him Doctor Baicao.

"Doctor Baicao, even you can't heal it?"

Bai Li knew that Dr. Baicao was a plant of grass, so he was very skilled in medicine and could treat patients with various herbs.

"Your Majesty, I can't find out the source of their illnesses, nor can I cure them. I can only delay their onset for the time being."

Doctor Baicao cut off the vines growing on the children with a hot knife.


It was as if the tendons on the child's body were cut off, and the child burst into tears in pain.

It's just that there is no other way to save them now except to cut off these vines.

"These vines will grow again if they are cut off?"

Yun Jinli saw the vines on those children's bodies, as if they were rooted in their flesh and blood, they looked so pitiful.

(End of this chapter)

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