Chapter 1510 Let our children go

When Bai Li saw the terrified expressions of the children in the medical center, the eyes of their parents were somewhat suspicious and more anxious.

Even if Doctor Baicao tried his best to cut off the vines growing on the children, part of the vines would grow back after a while, and every little bit of growth would consume the children's vitality.

In the end, this method cannot stop the shadow of death.

"Your Majesty, you must find a way to save our child!"

"Your Majesty, we are all loyal to you. If you want us to shed our blood, you can just ask Your Majesty to let our children go."

"The child is innocent."

The parents of the children in the hospital were very excited when they saw Bai Li here.

They also heard the rumors outside, even if some people believed Bai Li, some people doubted whether it was true.

"Everyone, don't be impatient, the emperor will definitely find a way."

Bai Li opened his mouth and said.

"In order to recover the demon power, who knows if His Majesty will really help our child."

Some people think this way in their hearts, and they dare not question it in person, so they can only talk and discuss in private.

Yun Jinli heard the aspirations of many people. They were obviously in a bad mood and could easily be manipulated by others to do impulsive things.

"First of all, we need to stabilize the people's hearts. Otherwise, when the people's hearts in Baicheng are unstable, it will form a huge obstacle to investigate the cause and find a solution."

She opened her mouth and said to Bai Li, if Baicheng was in chaos, they would not even have a chance to save these children.

"But now everyone suspects elder brother, what can we do to eliminate the suspicion of elder brother?"

Ling Ling said anxiously, even if she explained again, many people would not believe it.

"Xiaobai, do as I tell you."

Yun Jinli sent a voice transmission to Bai Li in private, telling him the solution to the biggest crisis.

"Xiao Jin, you are really my savior! Leave this matter to me. I need your help to save the children. I wonder if your husband will blame me if it delays your return time?"

After hearing Yun Jinli's method, Bai Li's eyes showed approval.

"Jue is not an unreasonable person. Besides, I need to collect some medicinal materials. See if you can help me."

Yun Jinli wrote some materials with a pen and handed them to Bai Li.

She didn't have time to gather herbs, so she let Bai Li handle the matter, and she devoted herself to finding ways to save these poor children.

"Well, I will collect these medicinal materials."

Bai Li opened his mouth and said, and immediately ordered someone to inform that the snake demon clan colluded with the demon clan, trying to turn all the children into demon fruits, and cut off Baicheng's hope.

In addition, he personally ordered people to place all the ivy monster fruits in the ten-story snow tower in the center of Baicheng, so that all the monsters who lost their children would come to guard them and prevent anyone from stealing them.

"His Majesty Baidi said that the children still have their souls in the demon fruits, and they have a chance to be reborn. We must protect these demon fruits well, and we must not let the demons and traitors of the demons snatch them away."

"That's right! Everyone must not let them succeed."

"If His Majesty wanted to take these Ivy Monster Fruits privately, we would not let us guard them together. Now that these Ivy Monster Fruits are in full view, it shows that His Majesty has no selfish intentions."

"I heard that those traitors are trying to separate us from His Majesty. In this way, Baicheng will be in chaos, and no one will think of a way to save our children."

"They're so vicious!"

"We are here to protect the children, Your Majesty may feel at ease to save our children."

Because Yun Jinli asked Bai Li to hand over these ivy monster fruits to all the parents who lost their children to protect them. In this way, everyone saw that the monster fruits were not taken away, and the rumors were self-defeating.

(End of this chapter)

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