Chapter 152 Becoming its new owner

Ye Zhu remembered a kind of soft white spiritual power floating in her hands, which was full of vitality, as if it could nourish everything in the world.

He has only known her for less than a day, and he feels that she is like a mystery that he can't see through no matter how he looks at it.

She is obviously a little girl, but she is surrounded by a group of very special people, of course she is the most special one.

Xilingtian woke up after resting for a while, but he didn't expect that he was still alive.

The wound on his hand didn't hurt anymore, and healed completely, as if it had never been there before.

"After I passed out, what happened?"

Seeing Ye Zhu beside him, he asked.

"Here, that girl saved you. I don't know what she did to pull you back from the gate of hell. But she can see for yourself!"

Ye Zhu didn't understand what Yun Jinli had done, but he felt that she had paid some price to save Xilingtian.


Xilingtian saw that Yun Jinli was very weak at the moment, and he had to lean against the wall to hold on.

She insisted stubbornly, her palm-sized face was delicate and pale.

He was in a very complicated mood at the moment. He originally wanted to repay her for saving his life, but he didn't expect her to save him.

The more he owed her, the more the two met by chance, but now they are closely connected.

After inheriting the blood and memory of his ancestors, he was a completely different person, no longer the simple Xilingtian.

But now he still thinks she is very kind, which makes him feel unable to part with her.

Her vitality merged into his body, making him feel that his life was bestowed by her.

Yun Jinli absorbed the breath of death in the room, an ordinary person would not be able to do this, because he would definitely die.But after she absorbed the dead energy here, nothing happened, but she felt that her body recovered quickly.

She originally thought that she only needed to absorb a little bit, but she didn't expect that this seemingly inconspicuous life force was much more than she had imagined.

"Xiaobai, let them go out and wait for me."

Yun Jinli immediately sent a voice transmission to Bai Li, saying that there was too much movement in here, and she was afraid it would hurt them.

"Xiao Jin said, let everyone wait for her outside, you all go out! Otherwise, it will disturb her cultivation!"

Bai Li said to them, after hearing what he said, Ye Zhu and Xi Lingtian went out to wait.

After everyone went out, Yun Jinli began to absorb more death air, instantly turning the black mist into a whirlwind to surround her.

Huge movement, even outside can hear the whistling sound.

The nearby people were very afraid of this haunted house, so they moved far away, and few people approached it, so it didn't attract any attention.

At this moment, she turned into a vortex, sucking the dead energy from the whole room.

Zhiyue tassels emitted rays of light, purifying the mottled dead energy, leaving only pure spiritual power to blend into her spiritual sea.

The ethereal singing sounded again, but it couldn't affect Yun Jinli.

Standing on the wall, Xilingtian and Ye Zhu were startled when they saw the movement inside.

It's just that Bai Li told them not to approach, and they could only watch the situation from a distance.

Not long after, the air of death in the haunted house disappeared without a trace as if it had been purified.

Yun Jinli opened her eyes, feeling that she was in a particularly good state.

"It's time to see the secrets of this haunted house."

When she was practicing just now, she located the exact direction of the singing.

She planned to settle here after solving the hidden dangers of the haunted house.

Anyway, this is an ownerless house now, so let her be its new owner.

(End of this chapter)

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