Chapter 154


Black and dense silk threads surged out, entangled towards the few of them.

Xilingtian pulled out the Desert Lion's golden sword, the light of the sword danced and flickered, and the black thread was cut off and fell to the ground.

It's just that the silk thread seems to be forever unable to be cut off, and after being cut off, the silk thread reappears, like a resurgence.

"Stand back, I'll come!"

Yun Jinli remembered that she hadn't tried another spiritual power yet, so she just took this opportunity to try the power of that black spiritual power.

A ball of black spiritual power floated in her palm, and a black mandala bloomed in her palm.

It was the first time she used this kind of spiritual power, so she told the others to go away so as not to accidentally hurt them.

The moment the black mandala bloomed, those black silk threads were sucked into the petals.

"This is the power of devouring."

Yun Jinli felt that this kind of spiritual power could devour all life, and it was completely opposite to that white spiritual power.

After those black silk threads were completely swallowed, the originally dark and dull room suddenly became brighter.

"Don't kill me, I'm not a bad person."

A soft voice came from the room.

Yun Jinli looked over and saw a woman looking at her sadly.

"Who are you? Why did this house become what it is today?"

She asked, presumably this woman should know the secret of this house.

"Jin, who are you talking to?"

Xilingtian followed Yun Jinli's eyes and saw nothing.

"I'm talking to her, don't you all see?"

Yun Jinli suddenly felt a chill hit, and the already cold room suddenly became colder.

"Girl, don't scare the young master, where is anyone here?"

Ye Zhu swallowed, and looked at Yun Jinli timidly.

"Xiao Jin, what did you see?"

Bai Li lay on Yun Jinli's shoulder, and turned to look here in doubt.

"She's just sitting on a chair, wearing red clothes, can't you all see her?"

Yun Jinli felt that she must have seen a ghost that they couldn't see. There was really a ghost in this house, and it appeared right in front of her.

She really is hell!
"We didn't see anything but the house was empty."

Ye Zhu said seriously, hearing what Yun Jinli said, he felt as if someone was watching him, which made his hair stand on end.

"Xiao Jin, it may be the power of Yin Yang Flower, which allows you to see the two worlds of life and death, whether it is the living or the dead, you can see."

Bai Li said to Yun Jinli through voice transmission that it is not impossible for her to see ghosts because of the yin and yang flowers on her body.

Xilingtian also nodded, which means that like Ye Zhu, he didn't see anyone.

It's just that the feeling of being stared at does exist.

"The living are not afraid, but you are still afraid of ghosts?"

After Yun Jinli figured out the reason, she calmed down a lot, walked up to the woman and sat down.

"You are the first person who can see me. I have been trapped here for a long time. This house was not like this until later..."

The woman said slowly that she had tried to get other people to save her in various ways, but no one could save her.

She was trapped for a long time, so long that she couldn't remember the time.

She slowly told Yun Jinli her story and the past of this house.

"I was born in March of Peach Blossoms, and the lady named me Shili. I have studied medicine with her since I was a child. Our life was ordinary and simple, but after meeting that person, everything changed."

(End of this chapter)

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