The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1542 The Newly Dispensed Medicinal Gu

Chapter 1542 The Newly Dispensed Medicinal Gu
"Why did you come here?"

Liu Qingqing looked at this place in horror, and couldn't help but want to tremble.

This temple made of gold fish bones is called the Fish Tomb in the local area, and it is also a place that no one dares to approach.

Any fishing boat that passes through this area will capsize, and in the end even the bones will not be found.

Although this place belongs to the boundary of Dragon City, no one dares to come, even the most experienced old fisherman dare not approach this place.

I heard that there are terrible piranhas in this underwater area. Is she about to be eaten by piranhas now?

The fish tomb was soaked with river water, and she seemed to hear the sound of something churning in the water.

She got out of the boat uncontrollably and stepped into the dark water.

The two white candles in the temple were the only light here, but when she looked at the flickering candles, she was afraid for a while.

No one came to this place, how could there be candles?

Suddenly she felt cold on the soles of her feet, as if a pair of cold hands grabbed her feet and dragged them towards the bottom of the water.

She wanted to struggle, but she just sank in a daze.

Desperation welled up in her heart, and she closed her eyes.

When her feet stepped on the ground, the pair of shoes were embedded in a groove, and the ground suddenly parted, and she fell in from there, passed through a waterway, and landed in a basement.

The space below is very large, like an underground city, which surprised Yun Jinli who followed closely.

Unexpectedly, Wan Gu Sect was quite cautious, building their lair in such a place.

No one would have guessed that Wan Gu Sect is located under the most prosperous and peaceful Dragon City.

Everyone knows that the bottom of Dragon City is full of water, so Wan Gu Sect chose to build their lair under the water, surrounded by a transparent barrier, blocking the water outside.

Many people wore masks and black cloaks, walking back and forth here, busy preparing things.

"The new living body has arrived, don't die too early this time."

An old man in a black cloak had a particularly hoarse voice, which sounded like the sound of a duck being strangled by its neck.

His cold, unfeeling eyes seemed to be looking at an object rather than a person.

All they caught were poor young women, and even if they disappeared, it wouldn't cause too much trouble.

As for the family members of those women, their Wan Gu Sect naturally has a way to make them forget.

"what are you going to do?"

Liu Qingqing yelled in horror, only to realize that she could speak.

She saw that she was imprisoned in a huge iron cage, and there were similar iron cages beside her, the number of which was almost innumerable.

And in the iron cage, what was left was a bunch of dead bones that had been eaten black, which made her speechless in fright.

"It's your honor to be a medicine man who is testing medicine. This is the latest medicine Gu formulated by our great suzerain. It's a pity that those useless women can't bear the nature of this medicine. You don't want to waste such a good medicine. "

The old man said gloomyly that their suzerain wanted to release the locust moth to control the whole world.

But before that, it is necessary to develop a drug that can control the borer. First, we must prevent our own people from being swallowed by the borer, and then we will consider the issue of control later.

However, this medicine itself is a kind of mixed Gu poison, and it must be safe before the Sovereign will take it himself.

And these poor girls became innocent victims.

"Since this medicine is so good, you can use it yourself!"

The old man noticed that the medicine on the table flew up, and then splashed towards him.


He let out a scream like killing a pig.

 Good night little snowflake!

  Thank you for every little cutie who carefully builds the book list and introduces Geer's works to more readers.

  Thank you for your support!mwah!

(End of this chapter)

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