The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1556 The order of our medicine refining

Chapter 1556 The order of our medicine refining

It's not just young people who participate in the alchemy conference, anyone who is a medicine psychic is eligible to participate.

There are many elderly medicine spirit masters present, with gray beards and hale and hearty spirits. They are quite old, with very old qualifications and rich experience.

Among them are many high-star medicine spirit masters, and some of them are well-known masters.

There is also Master Phytophthora, I heard that his alchemy skills may have reached eight stars.

Yun Jinli had fought against him before, but at that time he hadn't refined Gao Xing's elixir.

Now it's time to compete again, who will be better?
Master Shanglu also noticed the existence of Yun Jinli. He lost to her once, and now he knows that she can refine medicine in ancient times. No wonder she can refine medicine faster than anyone else.

"I won't lose this time."

he said quietly.

"Now the third round of competition begins."

Day Feibai showed a smile on his face and said to everyone.

"This time is limited to three days. In the small world you are in, the time is different from the outside world. You are inside for three days, and the outside world is only half a day."

With the sound of a bell, an enchantment rose in front of the alchemy platform where everyone was sitting, and everyone had their own alchemy enchantment, so that they would not be disturbed by others.

Yun Jinli took out the materials needed to strengthen the foundation and cultivate the Yuan Pill, and she asked Bei Chenjue to collect a copy of the materials for her, and Bai Li also helped her collect all the medicinal materials.

The time for the competition here is only enough for her to refine a pill, so she decided to refine it for Emperor Chen first.

As for the medicinal materials from Beichenjue, they were used to refine elixirs for Huashen and Qingdi.

She laid out various medicinal herbs and materials, then picked up Yuan Lingcao and began to extract the essence of the medicinal herbs, and put the extracted medicinal liquid into the container.

"Polygonatum odoratum bone, crushed into powder."

"The stamens of the golden orchid were burned to ashes."

"Peel off the core of the thousand-heart fruit and take out the core."

Yun Jinli silently recited the refining method on the alchemy formula, carefully refining various things.

This is the first time she has refined the Guben Peiyuan pill, which can be refined into an eight-star pill with the Dragon Soul Spring as a medicine.

For her, refining the eight-star elixir also had a high failure rate.

After taking care of the things needed for refining medicine, she took out the Cang Qiong Cauldron and used Youdie Fengyan to refine medicine pills.

Whether it's the quaint sky cauldron or the powerful spiritual fire, they all make her look extremely dazzling.

Even if there was an enchantment barrier, when the spiritual fire in her hand appeared, the surrounding flames flickered, as if they might go out at any time.

"What kind of flame is this?"

"Why is my flame trembling?"

"What the hell is going on here?"


The flame in Ye Shuhe's hand was instantly extinguished, turning into a curl of smoke.

Her eyes widened in shock, with a look of bewilderment.

"This is the coercion of the spiritual fire. It is the flame in the hands of the girl in blue. Even through the barrier, it has caused such a movement. If there is no barrier, I am afraid that the flames of all people will be extinguished."

An old man looked at Yun Jinli in astonishment. Everyone's fire was extremely dim, but her flame was extremely bright.

"She is destroying the order of our medicine refining."

Ye Shuhe said loudly, seeing the flame that he couldn't ignite if he extinguished it, he was so angry that he jumped up and down.

"This is a fair competition. As a medicine psychic, having a powerful spiritual fire is the key to victory. This does not disrupt order. If it is a mistake to say that being too strong, then our medicine refining conference will There's no need to compete."

Day Feibai spoke, leaving everyone speechless.

"This spirit fire is indeed very powerful, even the medicine cauldron in her hand is very ancient."

Many people fixed their eyes on Yun Jinli.

(End of this chapter)

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