Chapter 161 Just Missing a Gardener

"It takes a special way to open this stone door."

Yun Jinli saw that there were circles of traps on the door, and the stone door could only be opened if it was turned to the correct position.

"This mechanism is very special. It should be a door lock designed by the Xiling family. It is very complicated."

Ye Zhu also stepped forward and took a closer look at the door lock. One lock was tightly buckled and the other was tightly locked. Layers overlapped. If one turn is wrong, the lock cannot be opened.

If you want to try one by one, you don't know what year and month it will be.

"This is the thousand-fold lock of the Xiling family. I wonder if the idiot can open it?"

Bai Li saw the existence of the thousand-fold lock, which meant that there were indeed important things stored in it.

"Xiaotian, can you open this lock?"

Yun Jinli was not sure whether the current Xilingtian had the ability to open the lock. The previous him had no extraordinary ability, but now he is a little bit hard for her to see through.

"It's simple."

Xilingtian confidently replied that he is no longer that ignorant young man.

"Don't brag, this thousand-fold lock is extremely difficult to unlock, and you can't get it right just by being blind. You must know that this is a lock designed by the Xiling family who is best at mechanics. If you open it wrong, you don't know what will happen. What."

Ye Zhu said with disbelief, although he can't unlock it, he knows how difficult it is to unlock the thousand-fold lock.

This door cannot be destroyed at will, otherwise the water flow outside will submerge the things here, and then there will be nothing left.

Xilingtian didn't explain to him, and just stretched out his hand to turn the thousand-fold lock.

The position of his rotation is different on each floor. There are ten layers of lock rings in total. He rotates very fast, as if he does not need to think.

When he turned to the tenth floor, the entire lock was dented.

He turned the entire ring, and the stone door suddenly opened.

"Wow! You are amazing! You really opened it! Did you say you knew the key to this lock a long time ago? But it's not true, the key of each lock is a secret, and it is up to the buyer to decide. It is impossible for outsiders to know."

Ye Zhu said in surprise, he didn't expect this kid to be so powerful.

Xilingtian didn't say anything, he wouldn't tell him that this thousand-fold lock was originally designed by his ancestors.

At this moment, he has already inherited the memory of his ancestors.

The Thousand Locks did not pose any challenge to him at all.

"Thank you Xiaotian for your help."

Yun Jinli smiled slightly and walked into the secret room.

Ye Zhu lit the oil lamp, and the secret room was lit up.

This secret room is not very big, only one box is stored.

When Yun Jinli opened the box, she saw several house deeds and land deeds.In addition to this house, there are actually several other land deeds.

There was no gold, silver or jewelry stored in this secret room. Those things were in other places, and they were taken away when they fled.

Because the place where the title deed was stored was very close to the ghost gate, and they didn't want to go back to this ghost place at all, so they fled in a hurry and didn't come to get it.

"There's nothing else here, let's get out!"

"Girl, your house is so big, the young master happens to have no place to live, so I'll stay here with you."

Seeing that this place is no longer dangerous, Ye Zhu sees that it is a good place, very suitable for living.

"Okay! I just need a gardener here."

Yun Jinli nodded generously and agreed, this mansion is very big, after she takes over, she needs to take a good rest.

"No way! Young Master, I am so handsome and unrestrained, but I have become a gardener?"

Ye Zhu said with a bitter face.

"If you don't want to do it, then please do it!"

Yun Jinli waved his hand and said chicly.

"Don't! If food and shelter are included, I'll do it!"

Ye Zhu has no place to live now, the gardener should be the gardener!

"Xiao Jin, is there a locksmith here?"

Xilingtian asked, with a gentle expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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