Chapter 169 This is about to happen

"My name is Jin, you don't have to call me Miss, just my name."

Yun Jinli looked at Liangmei, she was small and exquisite, which aroused pity.His complexion was somewhat pale, and he rarely went out.

The clothes are plain and simple, there is no jewelry in the hair, only a ribbon tied with long hair.

Leng Jiu and Liang Mei were moved when they heard the words, she gave them respect and let them know that they were not looked down upon.

"Pack up your luggage and move out at dawn. You can just leave the furniture to the young master. I can take all the furniture away after a few more trips. You pack up the belongings you need."

Seeing that their brothers and sisters were pitiful, Ye Zhu offered to help.

He has a big storage bag, but these furniture and so on have to be packed in batches.

"Little fat man, you can just help them take down their daily necessities, and leave these furniture to me."

With a thought, Yun Jinli put all these furniture into Zhiyue's tassel.

Seeing so many things, they were taken away at once, Ye Zhu was stunned.

"Girl, how big is your storage space? This is simply unreasonable!"

Ye Zhu originally thought that having a storage bag was already very remarkable, but only now did he realize that this little girl is a local tyrant, and there is no comparison between him and her at all.

Xilingtian also couldn't see through Yun Jinli, she had too many secrets that he couldn't figure out or see through.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and help!"

He called Ye Zhu to help the two brothers and sisters Leng Jiuliang and Mei. They didn't have many things, but some carpenter's tools needed to be brought.

The life of the two siblings is very poor, and they don't even have a few clothes.

"Take this signboard away too! Don't leave anything for that fat woman!"

When Ye Zhu went out, he saw that the signboard was carved very finely, so he decided to take it away.

After they left, the middle-aged woman who had been hiding outside followed them from afar to see what their background was and how arrogant they were.

When she followed to the side of the haunted house, she saw that they took off the seal of the gate and walked in. She was so frightened that her face turned pale.

"This is about to happen!"

She is very clear about the horror of the haunted house. She is terrified even thinking about these people entering the haunted house.

She felt a basin of cold water pouring down her head, making her tremble all over.

She was so frightened that her legs went limp, and she ran back trembling, not daring to stop for a moment.

Yun Jinli returned to the painting building, took out the furniture she needed one by one, and everyone helped to arrange it neatly.

Leng Jiu felt happy when he saw that the things he had built with his own hands finally did not need to be dusty anymore.

This painting building is simple and elegant, and it complements the furniture he made.

"You two, brother and sister, should live in Xiyuan!"

After tidying up the painting building, Yun Jinli arranged for the brothers and sisters to live.

"We brothers and sisters just listen to your arrangement."

Liang Mei replied, this place is very quiet, she likes a quiet place.

"Then I'll take you there. It's just that no one has lived here for a long time, so the residence needs to be cleaned."

Yun Jinli took them to Xiyuan's residence, and when they got there, Leng Jiu discovered that it was a residence with a small yard.

The front and rear of the yard are very spacious, without too many obstacles, so that when Liangmei walks out, she will not fall.

The two of them, brother and sister, are here, and they have their own small space.

"This Xiyuan is not big, but it will be your home in the future. You can decorate it however you like. If you are satisfied, then live here."

Yun Jinli also considered the situation of their siblings, so she chose this place for them, which can be said to be thoughtful.

(End of this chapter)

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