Chapter 171

"Miss, I want to peel the stone!"

A milky voice came down, with a soft and childish taste, one could tell it was a little bit.

"Dian Dian, this stone is very hard, be careful not to scratch your hands, if you want a toy, I will ask Uncle Leng Jiu to make one for you tomorrow."

Yun Jinli said affectionately, she dotes on Xiao DianDian very much.

"Miss, I won't get hurt, look!"

The little white and tender hands were placed on the stone, like a blade, easily peeling off the stone skin layer by layer.

Seeing this miraculous scene, everyone was very surprised.

Bai Li looked at his hands, they were so delicate, but they could peel off extremely hard stones.

After the stone skin was peeled off, an irregular spirit stone was revealed inside.

"This stone was selected by dots!"

Xiao DianDian said proudly, holding the magnificent colored spirit stone in her hand, her little face is still so cute under the sun.

"This little guy is going against the sky!"

Ye Zhu saw that Xiaodian's method of dissolving stones did not hurt the internal spirit stones at all. This legendary skill of dissolving stones with bare hands can only be done by master-level stone-dissolving masters.

However, this little one actually did it!

“Small dots are awesome!”

Yun Jinli didn't know how he did it, there were many miraculous things about him.

The last time he jumped into the magma lake, he was able to come out unharmed, and now his magical ability to dissect stones with his bare hands surprised her.

The moment she brought him out of the ancient desert city, she knew he was extraordinary.

"Miss, do you want to peel off these stones?"

When Xiaodiandian heard Yun Jinli's compliment, she immediately smiled happily.


Seeing that he had this ability, Yun Jinli nodded in response.

Xiaodiandian threw the spirit stones on the ground, and then began to untie the stones one by one.

Soon, various spirit stones of different sizes appeared on the ground, which dazzled Ye Zhu.

Xilingtian was not surprised by these spirit stones, because with his eyesight, he had already seen that there were spirit stones in these stones.

He was surprised that this little guy had such abilities!
Even though he is well-informed, this is the first time he has seen a child prodigy who can dissect stones with his bare hands at such an age.

"It doesn't make sense! Why are there only a few stones I picked that won't open?"

Ye Zhu saw that so many stone skins had fallen on the ground, and there were still a few intact stones left.

He remembered that he had chosen these few stones.

"There's nothing there, and it's useless to peel it off."

Xiao Dian said in a childish voice, and looked at Ye Zhu with contempt, which made Ye Zhu's face burn.

Being despised by a little milk baby, he really couldn't afford to lose this face.

"You! Don't talk nonsense, this hasn't been peeled off, how do you know?"

Ye Zhu said in disbelief, she didn't believe Xiao DianDian's words.

"If you don't believe me, I'll show you!"

Xiao DianDian directly picked up a stone and peeled it off. In the end, there was nothing but debris left on the ground.


Ye Zhu gave a strange cry, there was really nothing in the stone.

"This must be an accident!"

"Okay, don't comfort yourself!"

Xilingtian said, from his eyes, it can be seen that the remaining stones are indeed ordinary.

"Xiaotian, I will give you these spirit stones!"

Yun Jinli knew that Xilingtian bought these stones because he wanted the spirit stones inside.

"I plan to use these spirit stones to set up some protective circles."

Xilingtian expressed his intention, he wanted to buy these spirit stones for the formation.

After all, there are few people in this house, and there are no guards, so it is safer to set up some magic circles.

"So good."

Yun Jinli nodded and said when she learned that Xilingtian would set up formations.

When the house returns to normal and outsiders know about it, there will be trouble coming to the house at that time. It is best to prepare early.

(End of this chapter)

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