Chapter 188

With Yun Jinli's intelligence, she had already guessed that Bai Li had an internal injury, and it should be a serious injury, that's why she became so weak now.

She knew the feeling of the strong becoming the weak, and it was not easy for her to persist in surviving.

"Well, my origin has been severely injured, and I'm afraid that Yin Yang Flower can't heal it."

Bai Li was already very familiar with her, and did not hide her own situation.

Now the only person he trusts in this world is her.

"No matter what, I will try my best to help you. As for the result, it can only depend on your luck."

Yunjinli Tianlong Magic Qin placed it in the weaving moon tassel, and then spread a protective cover with spiritual power, and began to heal Baili.

She is not very proficient in the use of life and spiritual power, and she should have waited until she was more proficient before treating Bai Li, but she was worried that Bai Li's enemies might find him at any time, so she couldn't delay.

"Xiao Jin, thank you!"

Bai Li nodded, no matter what the result was, he would thank her from the bottom of his heart.

He knew that she was sincerely treating him well, without any utilitarianism.

"It's too early to say thank you. What's more, you have helped me so much, and I have never been polite to you."

In the palm of Yun Jinli's hand, pure white spiritual power floated, condensed into petals, and blended into Bai Li's body with a strong vitality.

The pattern of yin and yang flowers clearly appeared on her white palm, slowly blooming, lifelike.

That spiritual power of life has the magical power of rejuvenating a dead tree, making him feel warm all over his body.

At this moment, he felt so close to her, her breath surrounded him, warm as the sky in May.

He didn't have any defenses against her, and she saw the source of its broken body with the help of her spiritual sense.

"Found it! It should be it."

She remitted her life and spiritual power to his broken original demon core, but that demon core had been completely shattered, and it was too difficult for her to restore it.

Healing Baili required more spiritual power than Xilingtian, but she did not give up.

The shattered demon pill, nourished by the spiritual power of life, woke up from the dead silence.

A palpitating breath suddenly shot out of the sky, breaking through the protective cover.

Bai Li felt that the Yao Dan had come back to life, and before he could be happy, he saw that her complexion was getting paler, so he hastily broke off the contact between them.

Yun Jinli fainted on the ground because she had consumed too much life force.

"Xiao Jin!"

A white mist appeared, and a man's figure appeared in front of Yun Jinli, picked her up, and put her on the bed.

The demon core in Bai Li's body was not completely condensed, but with the support of her life and spiritual power, he could recover his human form.

As long as he cultivates on his own for a period of time, there is hope for a full recovery.

"You always don't know how to feel sorry for yourself. Is it really worth it to work so hard for a useless little fox?"

Seeing her haggard face, he felt very distressed, held her hand, and whispered slowly.

The yin and yang flower pattern on her palm has faded, and it will only appear when she uses the two spiritual powers of life and death.

Who knew that her slender hand could control the life and death of yin and yang?

He had intended to take care of her himself until she came to her senses.

"Xiao Jin, I can't stay here anymore, or I will only drag you down."

It's just that he felt the danger approaching, so he left this place immediately. Before leaving, he took a deep look at her, wanting to keep her in his heart.

The other party's target is him, and he can lure people away by exuding some breath on purpose.

He couldn't put Yun Jinli in danger, because his enemy was a terrifying existence that she couldn't deal with now.

(End of this chapter)

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