Chapter 190 That's My Partner

"These eyes are very special, as if the black night has completely merged into your eyes, there is nothing terrible in fact!"

Yun Jinli stared straight at Liangmei's eyes with unwavering gaze. They were eyes of dark night, extremely dark, but reflecting the firelight, it was a night sky as bright as fireworks.

"Sometimes I can't control the power of my eyes. If I look at something seriously, it will disappear without a trace, or turn into stone."

When Liangmei heard her words, her hanging heart relaxed a little.

Her eyes are not only scary in appearance, but also have power beyond her control, so they are regarded as demon pupils.

"Come and sit next to me!"

Yun Jinli waved at her and let her sit beside him.

She held Liangmei's hand, and she felt that Liangmei was very nervous, with cold sweat on her palm.

"Don't be afraid, you have to remember that you can control this power only when you become strong. Don't resist it, fear it, and control it. The owner of these eyes is yourself!"

Listening to Yun Jinli's words, Liang Mei suddenly felt that all the fear had left her, and her heart became calm.

In fact, the person who is most afraid of these eyes in this world is herself!
She has always hated herself for having such demon pupils, and she dared not let anyone see them. She was full of fear and uneasiness.

"If you are afraid of scaring others, I have a special kind of spar here. It is transparent from one side, but colored from the other side."

Yun Jinli knew that she was still afraid of other people's strange gazes, so she thought of a way to get the best of both worlds.

"Let cold wine make you a pair of blindfolds, so that you can take a good look at how beautiful the world is!"

"Miss is holding a phantom spar! This thing is too precious, I can't take it."

Liangmei saw the spar she took out. The spar was very beautiful. She had heard that this spar only existed in places with extremely strong aura.

"This is just something outside of me, if you don't treat me as an outsider, just accept it!"

Yun Jinli knew that since she told the secret, she really wanted to follow her, and she would never be mean to her own people.

"In addition, I have already said that you don't have to call me Miss, you can just call me Jin. I don't treat you as servants, so you don't have to be humble. If you are willing to follow me, that is my partner."


Tears flickered in Liangmei's eyes, except for her brother, no one was so kind to her.

"Cold wine can't talk, is there a special reason?"

Yun Jinli had known for a long time that their brothers and sisters were not simple, but they hid it too deeply.

"My elder brother belongs to the Lingling clan, so he dare not speak easily, for fear that what he says will come true and hurt others."

Liangmei knew her brother's abilities, and both of them hid their abilities. In the eyes of outsiders, they were blind and dumb.In fact, they all have great power, but they can't control it freely.

"I used to think that the Yanling clan was just a legend, but I didn't expect it to really exist. You two brothers and sisters can stay by my side at ease. I have no other requirements, as long as you are loyal to me. The most unforgivable thing I can do is betray."

Yun Jinli said seriously.

"We, brother and sister, will never betray Jin'er!"

Liang Mei and Leng Jiu saluted Yun Jinli. Their previous life was very confused, but now they decided to follow Yun Jinli, they believed that they would not make a wrong choice.

(End of this chapter)

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