Chapter 201

"I plan to divide the restaurant into several different areas. The dishes provided and the people served are different. In addition, takeaway and delivery can also be provided, but this is limited to the city, and messages can be sent with spirit stones..."

The two discussed together for a long time, until the sun set and the red clouds in the sky rubbed into the river beside the inn.

Looking down from the upstairs, the river turned into gorgeous colored satin, floating into the distance.

"Jin'er, I haven't tasted the hamburgers, crispy fried chicken and milk tea you mentioned, but they should sound good. Why do you have so many wonderful ideas in your little head?"

Xiao Zhang couldn't help saying with emotion that he had never heard of many of the things she said, which felt very novel.

"It's a secret!"

Yun Jinli waved her hand, naturally she would not tell him that her soul came from modern times.

She remembered that in modern times, she used to work as a waiter in a western restaurant for a period of time because of the needs of her mission. She basically knew the cooking methods of those foods.Even if there is anything that is not perfect, Xiao Zhang, a gourmet, can come up with ideas.

Many ingredients are not available here, but Xiao Zhang can find alternative ingredients if she tells the taste and function of the things.

"By the way, Jin'er, do you have a place to live in Yunchuan City? How can I find you?"

Xiao Zhang finally saw her, so he naturally wanted to find out where she lived, so that when he wanted to see her, he could go find her.

"I have a place to live! It's in the haunted house in the south of the city. I will stay in Yunchuan City for a while. If brother Xiao is looking for me, you can come to the haunted house to find me. In addition, I have a few shop leases, which are on the south of the city street. Regarding the decoration of the shop I will trouble brother Xiao about the matter."

Yun Jinli told Xiao Zhang where she lived, and just as he trusted her, she also trusted him.

"The haunted house in the south of the city!"

When Xiao Zhang first heard about her residence, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, showing surprise.

"Jin'er, if you have nowhere to go, Brother Xiao will make arrangements for you."

He said pitifully, guessing that she was living in a haunted house because she was homeless.

"I have a family! Brother Xiao, don't worry! It's getting late, so I'll take my leave first."

Yun Jinli didn't expect time to pass so quickly, and Yuxuanfeng was still closed at home, she wanted to go back and check the situation to avoid any trouble.

"Jin'er, you haven't mentioned the name of our restaurant yet?"

Xiao Zhang remembered this, and asked quickly.

"This can be done from Brother Xiao."

Yun Jinli didn't care about the name of the store, and left it to Xiao Zhang to decide.

"All right!"

Xiao Zhang heard that she gave him the task of naming, so he had to think about it.

"Then see you next time. You come to see me these few days, and I will take you to see the store."

After Yun Jinli finished explaining, she left the inn.Going back with the setting sun, I returned to my residence in the south of the city.

Now that there are dragons and snakes in Yunchuan City, Xiao Zhang was worried that she would go back alone, so he followed her from a distance, and saw that she really entered the big mansion.

He didn't come to Yunchuan City often, but he had heard that there was a haunted house in this city, and even the big families couldn't do anything about it.

It is precisely because of the existence of that haunted house that South Street has always been deserted.

He stood outside the house and couldn't see what was going on inside. The house didn't look simple.

It's just that it's already night, and it's not convenient for him to enter.

He saw the brand-new plaque hanging in front of the mansion, on which was written the four words "Liuyunhuajing". These simple words made him feel a sense of indifference and elegance.

It is obviously a haunted house that everyone fears, but she lives here comfortably.

 The east wind puts flowers and thousands of trees at night, and it blows down, and the stars are like rain.The fragrance of BMW carved cars fills the road, the sound of phoenix whistles, the light of pots turns, and fish and dragons dance all night.Today is the Lantern Festival, I wish you all a happy reunion!
(End of this chapter)

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