The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 203 Haunted House Intertwined with Wonderland

Chapter 203 Haunted House Intertwined with Wonderland

"Jin'er, the food is ready, we'll wait for you to come back to eat!"

Food was already set on the table in front of the painting building, and when Liangmei saw Yun Jinli came back, she planned to add more dishes to her.

Cold wine and leaf candles were also there, but no one had eaten first.

Xiao DianDian sat obediently by the side, holding chopsticks in her hand, her big eyes shining brightly.

"Don't wait for me to come back to eat next time. If I come back late, I have eaten outside."

Seeing everyone waiting for her here, she suddenly had a warm feeling of coming home.

The dim light of the orange lantern shone on their faces.

There are cicadas chirping in the summer night on the trees beside it, and the newly grown lotus leaves in the pond are crowded together, like holding small green umbrellas.

When Yun Jinli went out, Ye Zhu planted a lot of flowers and plants, and he planted the lotus in the pond himself.

He loves it here and treats it with extra care.

"You eat, I'll play a tune for you!"

Yun Jinli ate the dim sum made by Xiao Zhang before, but now she is not hungry at all.

"Yeah! Good!"

Liang Mei responded that she had always lived in seclusion and had hardly listened to any music.

Yun Jinli leaned against the big tree, holding Ziyu Xiao in her hand, and began to play.

Xiao's voice is as clear and beautiful as a spring splashing. As she plays, the tune fluctuates up and down.

The evening wind blew her long hair, making her look like a fairy flying away.

The Xiao sound spread into the dark secret room, causing Yu Xuanfeng to suddenly open his eyes.

The tune was particularly beautiful, a tune he had never heard before.

He really wanted to see the person playing the jade flute, but the restraints on his body prevented him from moving.

"are you still there?"

He yelled, but there was no response.

Shili has already gone out to check the information of Wan Gu Sect, but he is not here at the moment.

"I can't stay here, there must be chaos outside."

He knew that on the wedding day, he suddenly disappeared, and the Yu family and the Hua family must be in chaos now.

He has to go out, he can't stay here.

He activated his spiritual power, and ice and snow covered the entire secret room. He saw strands of hair binding his body, and those strands of hair were all frozen by his power of ice and snow.


As he erupted with ice and snow spiritual power, the hair strands that bound him were all shattered to the ground.

If Shili was here, it would not be so easy for him to break free, but at this moment Shili happened to be out, giving him a chance to leave.


He opened the stone door of the secret room and flew out from the secret room under the bridge.

"Where is this?"

He saw this garden that looked like a valley in the mountains, the bright moonlight shone on the flowers and plants, and the melodious Xiao Xiao sounded in his ears, everything seemed quiet and peaceful.

He followed Xiao's voice and approached, standing behind a flowering tree with dead wood in spring, and saw the girl playing the purple jade flute through the flower branches.

Her figure was so familiar, as if an ice moon was reflected in his eyes, and the moonlight was rippling in his heart.

"It's her!"

Yu Xuanfeng wanted to go forward, but at this moment he was in a hurry to return to Yufu, so it was inconvenient to stay here.

He didn't know what relationship this girl had with the female ghost before, so he didn't want to alarm them.

He left here quietly, without anyone noticing.

When he left the house, he realized that it was a haunted house that everyone feared.

"Who is she? Why does she live in this haunted house?"

There are too many doubts in his heart, and there are no answers.

"That is clearly a fairyland, where is it still a haunted house?"

He really wanted to find out the situation of this room, but it was easy to get out. When he wanted to go in, he found that he was blocked by a magic circle.

"Forget it, let's take a look at it next time!"

Now the Yu family still has a mess to clean up, so he must go back immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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