Chapter 216 This Is Her Little Fox

Bei Chenjue's palm was suspended above Bai Li's wound, and wisps of black air gushed out from Bai Li's body and converged towards his palm.

These poisonous gases condensed into a black bead, which became darker and darker.

He withdrew his hand only when the blood on Bai Li's wound began to turn a normal color.

He put away the bead that had condensed the corpse poison, and used his spiritual power to force out the corpse poison that had seeped into his body.

He forced out most of the corpse poison that had seeped into his palm, but there was still a part that remained stubbornly in his palm and could not be removed.

"Only the master dares to do this. Others dare to use spiritual power to absorb the poison of the Nine Yin Corpse. I don't know how many times they will die."

Seeing that the poison on Bai Li's body had been cleared away, Xuezhan couldn't help but worry about his master's situation.

If even a trace of the Nine Yin Corpse Poison enters the body, it will be a big trouble.

He heard that the poison of the Nine Yin Corpse has no cure, so the master not only pulled out the poison for Bai Li, but also completely removed the poison from his body.

"Actually, the master doesn't need to help him remove all the corpse poison, he can wake up."

"This is her little fox."

Bei Chenjue's indifferent words and simple reply made Xuezhan suddenly realize.

Just because this is a little fox raised by the hostess, the host tried his best to save its life. Such considerateness and gentleness made him understand how important the hostess is to the hostess.

It's just that the little fox raised by the hostess treats it like this. It is conceivable that he will be a thousand times more attentive to the hostess.

"It seems that this hostess is firmly established!"

He took out the wound medicine and applied the ointment on Bai Li again. After the corpse poison is gone, its wound will recover soon.

Xuezhan healed Bai Li with spiritual power, and it didn't take long for him to open his eyes with difficulty.

When he saw Bei Chenjue and Xuezhan, a look of surprise flashed across Bai Li's eyes.

"Why are they here? I'm not dead yet!"

He was poisoned by the Nine Yin Corpse Poison, and he was bound to die. I don't know who saved him?

"Xiaobai, you're awake! You've been poisoned by the Nine Yin Corpse Poison. If our master hadn't used spiritual power to remove the poison for you, you would have been in trouble."

Seeing Bai Li wake up, Xuezhan immediately leaned over and said.

"Take my master to find the mistress! Is she okay?"

Bai Li shook his head, representing that nothing happened to Yun Jinli.

"Can you move now? If you can, take us to the hostess."

Knowing that Bei Chenjue wanted to rush to Yun Jinli's side right now, Xuezhan asked about Bai Li's situation.

He knew that Bai Li could understand human speech and was a very intelligent little fox.

Bai Li nodded, willing to lead the way for them.

If it was someone else, Yun Jinli might not want to be disturbed, but this person is Bei Chenjue, she must be very happy to see him.

"Cui Dai, come in and take care of your young lady, she is fine."

Bei Chenjue walked out of the back room, and ordered Cui Dai to come in and take care of Ruan Qinghe.

"Little Baibai, I'm holding you, you just need to point your paw in the direction."

Xuezhan hugged the little white fox and said thoughtfully.

At this moment, when Yun Jinli and Xiao Zhang returned to the mansion after viewing the shop, they saw many people at the door.

"Looking at their clothes, they seem to be from the Hua family."

Xiao Zhang knew that each ethnic group had their own unique attire, and these people were servants of the Hua family.

"It's not the Yu family who came to the door first."

Yun Jinli had expected that someone would come to make trouble, but she didn't expect that it was not the Yu family, but the Hua family who arrived first.

"Their goal should be this house. I heard that it used to be an unowned house. It's just that no one dared to approach it because of the ghost atmosphere, so no one made any plans."

Xiao Zhang is quite familiar with the situation here. After all, the haunted house in Yunchuan City is so famous that it is hard to know.

(End of this chapter)

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