The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 219 Prince Beichen Please Respect Yourself

Chapter 219 Prince Beichen Please Respect Yourself

Bei Chenjue didn't say much, but grabbed Yun Jinli's soft little hand and pulled her to his side.

Yun Jinli fell into his arms unexpectedly, put her hands on his chest, and looked up at him in surprise.

She saw his smooth chin, delicate and seductive lips, and a high nose.

At that moment, she didn't have time to think too much, she just thought this guy was really good-looking!
The most beautiful is his pair of blue eyes, like the endless deep sea, but also like the tall and distant sky, deep and blurred.

"Prince Beichen, please respect yourself!"

Seeing Bei Chenjue's actions, Xiao Zhang felt angry for no reason, and felt that this scene was really dazzling.

Yun Jinli's petite body seemed to be able to be blown down by a gust of wind, which was very pitiful.

"This is a private matter between me and Ajin, and it doesn't seem to have anything to do with you!"

Bei Chenjue yelled more cordially, as if announcing that the relationship between the two of them was unusual.

"Ah Jin didn't say anything, so don't meddle in other people's business. I have been with Ajin day and night for several months, and the friendship between the two is beyond the knowledge of you, an outsider."

Listening to what he said, Yun Jinli was really speechless.

Why does she sound so ambiguous?
Although it was said that they had been together day and night for several months, from what he said, the scene at this moment made her feel particularly strange.

"Master, this vinegar jar has been turned over, it's really thorough!"

Seeing Bei Chenjue's jealous look, Xuezhan felt very fresh.

The master's current appearance made him feel very real, no longer such an unreachable and cold male god, but flesh and blood.

"Jue, since you're here, come in and sit down. How do you know I'm here?"

In order to prevent the two of them from continuing to quarrel, Yun Jinli spoke directly to break the awkward situation.

She has a high IQ, but a low EQ, so she doesn't know Bei Chenjue's feelings for her, nor is she aware of her own feelings for him.

She just felt that she was very happy to see him appear.

"Mistress, it was the little fox who led the way for us. It was injured and poisoned before, and it was my master who healed him personally! You know, that is..."

Before Xuezhan finished speaking, she was interrupted by Bei Chenjue.

"Okay, don't talk about it."

Bei Chenjue waved his hands, his expression as cold as ice.

"Have you seen Xiaobai? Why didn't he come back with you?"

When Yun Jinli heard that it was Bai Li who led them the way, and that he was injured, she felt a little worried.

He left without saying a word before, it is likely that the enemy found him.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to leave directly.

"The little fox was still there just now, but disappeared in a blink of an eye."

Only then did Xuezhan notice that Bai Li had disappeared, and looked around with a puzzled look on her face.

"Mistress, do you want me to go find it and bring it back?"

"No need. If he leaves, just let him go! The leaves will fall, and it's useless to hold back the big tree."

Yun Jinli knew that Bai Li had his reasons for leaving, and she respected his decision.

When Xuezhan mentioned that Bai Li was injured, she was also very worried.It's just that he didn't show up when he came back this time, but left directly, which showed that he was determined to leave.

"Little Bai, you must be safe!"

She prayed silently in her heart, hoping that he would be safe.

Now she is not strong enough to protect him, which is why he left!

He just didn't want to drag her down, and if she was strong enough, he wouldn't need to go.

(End of this chapter)

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