The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 223 Starry Night Chain and Blue Sky Ring

Chapter 223 Starry Night Chain and Blue Sky Ring

"A gift for me?"

Yun Jinli took the brocade box, wondering why he suddenly gave her a present?
"Well, open it and have a look!"

Bei Chenjue should have been a little tired after running around all the way, but at this moment with her by his side, he felt extremely refreshed and didn't feel tired at all.

The summer wind with the fragrance of flowers blew over her in bursts, blowing up her blue hair and her skirt.

With her slender hands, she opened the brocade box and saw a beautiful blue lapis lazuli bracelet inside.

This lapis lazuli bracelet is the same color as her Weaving Moon Tassel, and it seems that it has been specially cultivated with spiritual power, and every bead is full of spiritual energy.

The bracelet can wrap around the wrist several times, and there are long tassel strings, dotted with flowing clouds and silver flower holders, which look very beautiful!
"I named this string of bracelets Starry Night. I made it for you myself and cultivated it with my spiritual power. If you wear it, I will be able to find you wherever you are in the future."

After Bei Chenjue returned to the palace, he specially found a piece of lapis lazuli from the treasure house, polished it into beads, made a string of bracelets for her, and used his spiritual power to cultivate it day and night.

That piece of lapis lazuli is very precious and has been kept in the treasure house. No one dares to touch it.

The ring he wore on his hand was made of this extraterrestrial lapis lazuli, and it was a space ring that could store things.

"Ajin, I have been looking for you for a long time after you left the Yunxue Starry Sky."

Seeing that Yun Jinli was hesitant, he lowered his eyes, with a hint of loneliness in his voice.

"The feeling that I can't find you in the whole world makes me feel like I'm about to lose you. Do you still think I'm your friend?"

"Of course it is!"

Yun Jinli felt a little guilty when she heard that he was looking for her everywhere, and when he saw his dusty appearance, as if he hadn't rested for a long time.

"I wear it."

"I'll put it on for you."

Bei Chenjue personally put on this starry night lapis lazuli bracelet for her. The sky-blue beads are moist and reflective of her snow-like skin, making her fairer.

"The starry night bracelet has the same origin as my blue sky ring. If you sense it carefully, you can perceive my location. At the same time, you can use the starry night to talk to me across time and space."

"Can you still talk through the air? Let me try!"

Yun Jinli thought this was very interesting, so she went into the room and tried to see if the bracelet could talk to him remotely.

Her soul merged into the starry night bracelet, and she felt another force not far away, echoing with this bracelet.

"That's the Azure Sky Ring!"

She tried to talk to the blue sky ring, and heard a voice from the blue sky ring.

"Ajin, can you hear me?"

That deep and pleasant voice was full of magnetism, and she knew it was Bei Chenjue's voice as soon as she heard it.

"Well, I heard it!"

Yun Jinli responded that it was very interesting, but it felt like a phone call.

"You found the origin of the Starry Night Bracelet and left your soul imprint. After that, it will be connected to your soul."

Bei Chenjue's voice came over, and she began to search for the origin of the bracelet.

She didn't know where the origin of the Starry Night Bracelet was, but felt that the interior was a mess without any space.

Her soul searched in this chaos, and in the darkness she found a ball of light.

"This should be the origin of the Starry Night Bracelet."

She left her own soul brand in this light group, and it has been closely connected with her ever since.

She felt that although the bracelet had been carefully polished on the outside, it was still without any refinement on the inside, and it might change one day in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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