The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 228 This Is Completely Trusting Her

Chapter 228 This Is Completely Trusting Her

"It seems to be effective! Now try to put your hand into this wooden basin, and then force out the nine-yin corpse poison."

Yun Jinli brought over the wooden basin filled with glutinous rice, and asked Bei Chenjue to use spiritual power to force out the corpse poison that had seeped into his body.

This move seemed silly, but Bei Chenjue did it anyway.

He submerged his hands into the glutinous rice and used his spiritual power to force out the corpse poison. The corpse poison that was stubbornly rooted in his body was forced out unexpectedly smoothly.

"Here, after taking this detoxification pill, it should be all right."

Yun Jinli took out a bottle, took out a elixir that she made herself, and fed him.

Her fingertips touched his lips, and the silky and soft touch made her withdraw her hand suddenly, and her cheeks were stained with the fresh color of pink peach.

The white and rosy jade face, under the halo of Xia Ying's gauze, is as clear as glass.

When she touched him, he felt a burst of electricity spread from his lips, and along with the elixir in his throat, it reached all his limbs.

He didn't even have time to observe the composition of the pill, so he just ate it.

"Your Highness, aren't you afraid that my pill is poison?"

Yun Jinli saw that he ate so simply, would the prince die a miserable death if he was so unsuspecting?

He doesn't look like a silly, white and sweet style of painting!Why is there no defense at all?
"You gave me this, even if it's poison, so what?"

Bei Chenjue's answer was so natural that she was speechless.

He trusted her completely!

"You obviously look very smart, why do you say such stupid things?"

Yun Jinli joked that Bei Chenjue just looked at her helplessly.

She put away the glutinous rice contaminated with the poison of the Nine Yin Corpse, and prepared to study it carefully.

Maybe some antidote can be formulated, and if you encounter poisoning again in the future, it will be easy to solve.

After all, not everyone has such strong spiritual power as Bei Chenjue, and it is impossible to force out the poison in the body by relying on strong strength.

"Don't touch these corpse poisons yourself."

Seeing her put away the sticky rice with corpse poison, Bei Chenjue reminded her.

"I will pay attention. Since I know how to detoxify, I naturally know its toxicity."

According to the records in the "Poison Classic", Yun Jinli specially prepared such a pot of glutinous rice antidote, and it seems that the effect is very significant.

"I didn't expect glutinous rice to be able to detoxify Nine Yin Corpse Poison. How did you think of it?"

Originally, Bei Chenjue had no choice but to seal the corpse poison.Unexpectedly, she just used a pot of glutinous rice to cure his poison.

"The solution I read from the book is to combine glutinous rice with some special things. Originally, I was just trying it out, and I wasn't sure how it would work."

It was Yun Jinli's first attempt to use the knowledge in the "Poison Classic" to detoxify, and found that these ancient records are still effective today.

"Okay, wash your hands and go out to eat! The food should be ready."


Bei Chenjue smelled the smell of realgar wine in his hand. Some special items were added to this seemingly simple glutinous rice, which contained a mystery.

I didn't know that she could detoxify before. It seems that there are many things about her that he doesn't understand.

"Miss, I'm waiting for you! What are you two doing in the house?"

Xiao DianDian asked in a childish voice, obviously a very simple question, but it made Yun Jinli feel her cheeks burn.

Thinking of touching his lips just now, the warm touch made her still unable to calm down.

"I didn't do anything, just rest inside for a while."

Yun Jinli randomly found a reason to explain.

"Jin'er, are you resting inside with this young master?"

Liang Mei said in surprise, making Yun Jinli's jade face even redder.

(End of this chapter)

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