Chapter 230 Why Are You So Nervous

"I'm not stupid! If you can't see this, doesn't it prove that you are stupid?"

Bei Chenjue shook her head, her confused look was actually very cute.

"Then you mean I'm stupid!"

Yun Jinli looked at him and said pretending to be unhappy.

"How could it be? My Ah Jin is the smartest."

In Bei Chenjue's words, there was deep pampering.The soft blue eyes are so gentle that they seem to be able to pinch water.

He always wanted to hide his inner feelings, but every time he saw her, he couldn't restrain the thousands of tender feelings surging in his heart.

Every breath he took was telling him how much he liked her.

His liking for her has long been rooted in his heart and has become a habit.

"Stop talking! Tell me, how did you find out?"

Yun Jinli was sitting under the flower tree, a fallen flower was floating on her shoulder.

"Because he is the most intimate with you, and that kind of intimacy is natural."

Bei Chenjue approached her, and Junyi magnified in front of her.

The warm summer wind is so intoxicating, his hair floats over, as if gently brushing her face.

She could feel that his breathing was so clear, and the breath he exuded was clean and fresh with a taste of ice and snow.

"You! What are you going to do?"

Yun Jinli suddenly wanted to back away, but there was a flower tree behind her. She leaned on it like this, but Kazuki's flowers fell one after another, like snow.

The sunlight fell on them bit by bit, the light and shadow were blurred, and the falling flowers were colorful.

His outstretched arm pressed against the big tree, getting closer to her.

"Is he going to kiss me?"

Her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, as if a deer was bumping wildly in her heart.

Her fair and crystal-clear snow skin, I don't know if it's because of shyness, or because it was dyed red by the sun, that peach-like color made his mouth dry.

Just when his nose was about to touch her, he stopped suddenly.

Holding a fallen flower on her shoulder with her fingers, a faint smile floated on her handsome face.

"Ajin, why are you so nervous?"

The deep and pleasant voice fell from her ears, and puffs of hot air blew into her ears, making her ears turn red.

"Where am I nervous?"

Yun Jinli realized that she was a false alarm, and couldn't help but feel ashamed of her previous thoughts.

How could she have such an idea?

Think he wants to kiss her!

It would be too embarrassing if he knew about it.

"I'm just a little hot, the sun makes me dizzy. I picked up the little bit on the road. If you think he is special and want to ask me about his origin, then I don't know. But he is mine Brother, I will protect him!"

She quickly changed the subject, not wanting him to know her thoughts.

"Why do I feel like you are a little disappointed? Is it because I didn't do anything that you feel disappointed?"

Bei Chenjue was still very close to her, seeing her red lips as pink and tender as cherry blossoms, just a short distance away, gave him an urge to pick them.

"What nonsense are you talking about! Where am I disappointed? Get out of the way, I'm going to get up."

Yun Jinli blushed and said, Bei Chenjue liked her shy and cute look even more.

"I'll pull you up."

Bei Chenjue stretched out his hand to pull her up, she got up in a panic, stepped on the corner of her skirt, fell into his arms suddenly, and pushed him onto the grass.

"A Jin, I won't be able to hold back if you throw yourself into your arms like this!"

His low voice was somewhat hoarse.

The warm fragrance of nephrite jade in his arms made him feel distracted for a while.

This is the woman he loves the most in this life, and now she is lying in his arms, her small and light body makes him unable to hold on to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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