The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 246 This secret technique is a bit powerful

Chapter 246 This secret technique is a bit powerful

"These are the appearances of flowers recorded in ancient books, and I just drew them based on my imagination. In fact, they don't necessarily look like this."

After Bei Chenjue finished painting, he dried the scroll with spiritual power, then mounted the scroll himself, and handed it to Yun Jinli.

"This painting is for you."

"The painting is beautiful, I like it very much."

Yun Jinli saw that he painted with great care, and she couldn't refuse this gift.

"I have a technique called Water Mirror Technique, and I want to teach you. Would you like to learn it?"

Bei Chenjue said, he wanted to teach her this technique for a long time, but he never found a suitable opportunity.

When she was in the Yunxue Starry Sky, she was still relatively weak and could not learn this technique.

Seeing her again now, her strength can already be learned.

"Water mirror technique?"

Yun Jinli didn't know what kind of spell it was, so she looked at him suspiciously.

"The water mirror technique is a secret technique that allows people to be separated from each other far away, and can also talk to each other through the air, and be able to see each other."

Bei Chenjue explained briefly, she is so smart, she should understand.

"so smart!"

When Yun Jinli heard this technique, it felt like a video from a distance!

This secret technique is a bit powerful!

"Want to learn?"

Seeing her excited appearance, Bei Chenjue felt like a child.

"Hmm. Want to learn!"

Yun Jinli nodded, she was too skilled. When she was a queen, she seemed to be invincible, but in fact she was invincible only in the secular world.

At that time, she didn't know how powerful those powerful sects lived in seclusion in the world, because each clan had a secret agreement not to intervene in the battles of dynasties in the world, so they lived in peace and seemed peaceful on the surface.

On the contrary, although there is such an agreement in the Longyuan Continent, the major sects are spread all over the country, and their influence is huge, far overwhelming the royal family.

After she came here, she felt the importance of strength more and more.

"Then I'll teach you, you have to be careful, the gestures are like mine..."

Bei Chenjue carefully taught her how to use the water mirror technique. Seeing that her posture was wrong, he reached out to hold her hand, stood behind her, and taught her how to straighten it.

Yun Jinli's hand was held in his, and his heart beat faster.

She is not easily shy and doesn't feel anything when facing other people.

But in his arms, she couldn't help but blush.

At this time, she is not the queen who kills and decides, but a girl who has never tasted love.


His voice came to her ear, which brought her back to her senses.

Seeing her pink face, Bei Chenjue couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips.

This kind of her was completely different from the scrolls he had seen describing her.

But, he likes it!

When Yun Jinli was seriously studying the water mirror technique, a woman came in front of the prison in Huafu.

"Open the cell door."

"But the master ordered that no one can let the young master out."

The guard said, looking at the person in embarrassment.

"The princess just came to see my cousin, and didn't intend to let him out. You should guard outside and don't let anyone in."

A sinister look appeared on Hua Mengmeng's face, which made the guards unable to bear the fear.

"Yes, the princess!"

The guards all knew that Patriarch Hua loves Princess Hua the most, and they dare not disobey her orders at this moment.

After the cell door opened, Hua Rumeng stepped into the cell.

This dark and damp cell smelled very bad, and she couldn't help frowning, revealing a look of disgust.

"What are you here for?"

Hua Wuqing heard the footsteps, looked over, and saw Hua Simeng.

"Cousin, if you think you want to kill me and you're fine just being locked up here for a few days, then you're too naive. Meng'er, of course I'm here to return your gift."

Hua Simeng held a whip in her hand, with a wild smile on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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