Chapter 257 You Remember to Give Me One

"By the way, I need to make some wine jars, bottles for pills, and various bottles and jars. I still need to borrow things from here."

Yun Jinli remembered that none of the pills she had refined had a suitable bottle, so she took this opportunity to make some by herself.

She has read the records in the "Dan Zun Poison Classic", and she has memorized the medical prescriptions, poison books, gu scriptures, and pill scrolls, but she still needs to study them in depth.

There are some things that are useless by rote memorization alone, and need to be studied.

Ruan Qinghe taught her a lot of ancient medical knowledge last night, which made her understand the book more deeply.

She is most interested in poison art, and plans to spend time studying it.

"Whatever Miss Jin needs, just use it, and ask me if you don't understand."

Su Yehui spoke with a much more enthusiastic attitude.

"Then Jin'er stays here, I'll go and arrange the decoration of the shop first."

Seeing that they got along well, Xiao Zhang had nothing to worry about.

"By the way, can you give me this set of tea sets?"

This was the first tea set that Yun Jinli made by himself, and he wanted to ask for it.

"I have a use for this tea set, so I can't give it to Brother Xiao. If Brother Xiao likes it, I can ask Brother Su to help me make a set. The ones he made should be more delicate."

Yun Jinli said, she has other uses for this tea set, so she can't give it to Xiao Zhang.

"Jin'er, I want something you made."

Xiao Zhang felt that she was such an intelligent woman, but in some respects she was very stupid.

Why didn't she know that he wanted the tea set because she made it?

"Then the wine jar I made, after finishing, I will give you one!"

Only then did Yun Jinli understand, and she spoke.

"Okay! Remember to give me one when I come back."

Xiao Zhang said with satisfaction.

After he left, Yun Jinli was making all kinds of bottles and cans in the house, and Su Yehui was helping at the side.

When Xiao Zhang came back, Yun Jinli had already made many wine jars and various bottles.

She put away those things, leaving two delicate wine jars on the table.

"Brother Su, you have worked hard today, so I will give you this wine jar as a thank you gift!"

"Then I'll take it."

Su Yehui took over the wine jar, which had a design drawn by Yun Jinli himself, which was really pretty.

Under these wine jars, there are special seals.

It can be said that this is the first batch of porcelain from the first batch of Jinyuelianhua, and he kept one as a souvenir.

"Jin'er, where's mine?"

Xiao Zhang looked at her longingly like a child begging for candy.

"I can't do without you, here, this is for you!"

Yun Jinli picked up another small wine jar. This wine jar was not big, but it was small and exquisite, quite cute.

"Jin'er's craftsmanship is really impeccable!"

Xiao Zhang accepted it happily, and saw the pattern painted on the wine jar, which was painted with orchids and green bamboos, implying nobility.

"This is due to Brother Su, otherwise I wouldn't be able to do it alone. Brother Su helped refine it with spiritual power, so it was formed so quickly."

Yun Jinli is only responsible for the shaping of the process, she is not very good at the real kung fu, and needs more practice.

"Jin'er, you make so many wine jars, do you want to brew your own wine?"

Xiao Zhang asked.

"That's right! I'm going to buy some raw materials to make wine in a while. My wine-making skill is better than that of a refiner, not a little bit or two."

Yun Jinli said proudly that she was never drunk before.

Her ability to brew wine is also excellent.

The wine-making technology here is not as modern as it is, and she knows how to brew many kinds of wine.

In modern times, she was professionally trained by top bartenders in order to perform tasks, so her bartending skills are also proficient.

(End of this chapter)

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