The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 267 I Have Never Seen This Person

Chapter 267 I Have Never Seen This Person

If you observe carefully, you can find that he has a pair of slender and beautiful hands, extremely slender.The skin is like white jade, revealing a lustrous luster.

Even if you don't look at his appearance, you can guess that this is a handsome man!

"Our young lady invited the young master."

Liang Mei made an inviting gesture and brought the white-clothed immortal to the third floor.

He was carrying a sword as white as a phoenix, with a tassel palace bell tied at the end, and when he walked with him, it made a clear and pleasant sound.

Seeing that someone successfully met Fenghuang Qinxian, everyone was envious for a while, wishing that that person could be replaced by themselves.

"Master, what are you looking at?"

Xuezhan gobbled it up for a while, the food here was so delicious that he couldn't stop at all.

"I can't see through this person."

Bei Chenjue withdrew his spiritual consciousness. He couldn't see the strength of this white-clothed immortal, but his body was full of aura. Even if he was restrained, he still had a sense of immortality. He was definitely not an ordinary person.

Letting him be alone with Yun Jinli, he was inevitably a little worried.

"Then do you want your subordinates to follow?"

Mo Yu asked, if his guess was correct, the woman playing the piano upstairs should be their mistress.

Otherwise, based on his understanding of His Holiness, he wouldn't be so nervous at all.

"No. Sit down and eat!"

Bei Chenjue waved his hand, believing that Yun Jinli could handle it.

"This tableware is not bad."

The decoration and various details of this Jinyuelianhua are exquisite. It seems that Yun Jinli has spent a lot of thought.

"Turn back and ask Xinglou to spread the news about Jinyuelianhua."

"Yes, Your Honor."

Mo Yu knew that Bei Chenjue wanted Xinglou to promote Jinyue Lianhua, so that it would become more famous.

With Xinglou intervening, there is naturally no problem.

You must know that the star towers are all over the world and have very powerful power.

In the private room on the third floor, through a crystal curtain, Yun Jinli saw the young man in white who wrote the second couplet.

He wore a half mask on his face, covering the upper half of his face.

But Yun Jinli could still see his beautiful outline and those eyes as beautiful as ice and snow.

This is a very cold person, like the ice and snow in the nine heavens, high above and out of reach.

"Sir, please sit down."

Yun Jinli said, seeing this young man in white who looks like an exile, she doesn't know why he came here.

She couldn't hear his voice, this man is very powerful!
"Have some tea!"

Yun Jinli asked Liang Mei to serve him tea, but he just nodded without saying a word.

She gently played the piano with her bare hands, and this person was sitting behind the crystal curtain listening to her playing the piano.

The other party did not speak, his eyes were as calm as a lake.

Yun Jinli couldn't hear his heartfelt voice, but she knew his intentions, and he came to listen to the piano.

When Yun Jinli finished playing a piece, the young man in white had disappeared.

"Where is he sacred?"

She felt that the young man exuded an air of nobility, like a flawless fairy, with an extra dusty air, unlike this man in the world of mortals.

Although he left, there was a faint fragrance left in the wind, and the soft ringing of tassel palace bell.

"Jin'er, I heard that someone wrote the second couplet just now, so I came here to take a look."

When Xiao Zhang came in, his face was quite excited.

"What about people?"

He turned his head to look, trying to find the boy in white.

"left already."

Yun Jinli stopped playing the piano and put away the guqin placed in front of her.

"Do you know who that young man in white is?"

"I don't know! I haven't even seen it, how do you know who it is? You can condense his appearance and show me."

Xiao Zhang shook his head, regretting not seeing that person.

Yun Jinli condensed the appearance of that person with spiritual power, Xiao Zhang still shook his head after seeing it.

"I've never seen this person before."

(End of this chapter)

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