Chapter 275 Who Will Save My Grandpa

"Not everyone is qualified to be a handyman in Longyuan Sacred Mansion. I heard that there is even a handyman who sweeps the floor, whose strength is comparable to that of the masters."

The old man stroked his beard, and his heart was full of fascination.

Such a place is everyone's dream.He didn't have that fate himself, and when he entered the holy mansion, he only hoped that his little granddaughter could fulfill this wish on his behalf.

"Grandpa, granddaughter will join Longyuan Saint Mansion."

The girl in coarse linen clothes said firmly.

She knows Grandpa's wish, and she will fulfill it for Grandpa.

Although they are not members of a big family, she believes that she can do it.


Hua Simeng couldn't help laughing out loud when she heard her words.

Although she didn't speak, everyone could hear her ridicule.

"Xin'er, Grandpa believes that you can do it, but in Grandpa's heart, your safety is the most important thing. Regardless of whether you can enter Longyuan Holy Mansion, Grandpa is very happy if you have this heart."

The old man said kindly, with a smile on his face.

"Well, Xin'er understands!"

Mu Ruoxin nodded. Their grandparents depended on each other for life, and grandpa was also the most important thing to her.So she will protect herself and make grandpa feel at ease.

"Cut! The lowly sparrow also wants to become a phoenix!"

Hua Simeng curled her lips, and looked at the grandpa and grandson with contempt, and saw that the shabby clothes on their bodies were exactly the attire of beggars in the countryside.

"Why do you speak so viciously, woman?"

Old Mu held a cane in his hand, and when he heard someone say that about his granddaughter, no matter how good-tempered he was, he couldn't help being angry.

"I'm so vicious, but it's just the truth. I advise you to go back wherever you came from, so as not to be embarrassing. The princess sees that you don't even have money for food, so I'd like to reward you kindly."

Hua Simeng took out a handful of coins and sprinkled them on the ground in a gesture of charity.

Some people can't understand what they want to say, but they are stopped by the people around them.

"That's the princess of the Hua family. Now Yunchuan City is the domain of the Hua family. Don't cause trouble."

Hearing her identity, everyone didn't want to offend the Hua family, so they could only keep silent.

Ye Zhu couldn't understand Hua Simeng's face, and wanted to rush up and slap her twice.As soon as he wanted to go there, he was pulled back.

"Your uncle, who dares to stop me!"

"I'm your uncle, little bastard. I didn't learn well all day long and came out to make troubles. Finally, I found you. Come here honestly."

A fat man with a round body glared at Ye Zhu, telling him to stop cooking immediately.

I heard that Ye Zhu had been missing for a few days, and the Ye family couldn't find him, so he asked his father to arrest him himself.

"Father, don't take me away, I have to teach that little hoof..."

Before Ye Zhu finished speaking, she was directly pulled away by violence.

When his father heard that he was going to fight here, he was so angry that he didn't listen to his nonsense at all.

In hot weather, young people can't stand up.

Mu Lao was so angry that Hua Simeng fainted, and the crowd was in an uproar.

"Grandpa! Grandpa!"

Mu Ruoxin cried out in panic, her grandfather was already injured and had been in the sun for a long time, but now he got angry and affected his old illness, so he passed out.

"Who will save my grandpa!"

She held back her tears and looked around helplessly.

Everyone was afraid of offending Princess Hua, so they took a step back for a while. This kind of scene made Mu Ruoxin extremely chilled.

"I just said that the good air is polluted. It turned out that Princess Hua came here! Although your makeup has been covered with more than ten layers, I can still smell that smell of human scum."

An exquisite figure came out from the Jinyue lotus flower, wearing a water-blue long dress with snow-white fringes like waves, as if a breeze was blowing over.

(End of this chapter)

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