The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 279 Brother Xiaotian is in Danger

Chapter 279 Brother Xiaotian is in Danger

Yun Jinli went back to the mansion ahead of time to tidy up the few houses. Fortunately, the house is very big, so they all have their own small courtyard to live in.

"I don't know if Xiaotian is going back now, or will he participate in the recruitment of Longyuan Saint Mansion?"

She suddenly thought of Xilingtian, and she hadn't seen him for some days.

Xiao DianDian is also helping tidy up in the house. Although he is small, he is also very quick at work.

Suddenly, the small bucket in Xiaodian's hand fell to the ground, and she covered her head with her hands.


"A little bit, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing this, Yun Jinli quickly came to take him by his side and checked his condition with spiritual power.

"Miss, I have a headache."

Misty water appeared in Little Dot's big eyes, and his head suddenly ached, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Don't be afraid, there is a young lady here!"

Yun Jinli quickly used spiritual power to heal him, and the light of Yin Yang Flower enveloped him, gradually relieving his pain.

"Miss, I saw a picture, Brother Xiaotian is in danger!"

Xiaodiandian said, when he just had a headache, a picture appeared in his mind.

In the picture, Xilingtian is in danger, and a catastrophe is happening!
He and Xilingtian were also the first to know each other. When they were in the desert city, it was Yun Jinli and Xilingtian who saved him, so the relationship between the two was very good.

"Xiao Tian! I'll go find him!"

When Yun Jinli heard Xiaodiandian say this, she felt that Xilingtian might really be in danger.

Because she was a little restless just now, she suddenly thought of Xilingtian.

But she didn't have the ability to see him in distress like Xiaodiandian.

Xiaodian's strength has always been amazing. Although he is a child, he never talks nonsense.

"Miss, I'll go with you, I know where Brother Xiaotian is."

Xiaodian opened his mouth and said that he remembered the location in the picture.

"Okay, then let's go together."

Yun Jinli picked up Xiaodiandian and led him to find the whereabouts of Xilingtian.

"I saw a temple, a lot of bamboo forests, and raging flames. The roof of that temple is golden and surrounded by bamboo forests."

Xiao Dian told the place where he saw it, but I don't know if it can provide useful information.

Yun Jinli released a powerful spiritual sense, sweeping in all directions, looking for the bamboo forests and temples Xiaodiandian mentioned.

However, she couldn't find the place he mentioned, so she went to the street and found an old lady who was selling a stall.

This stall looks like it has been around for a long time, and it should have been there for a long time. The old lady also seems to be a local, so she asked him about it.

"I bought these eggs and green vegetables. Is there a golden-roofed temple nearby? There are large bamboo forests all around."

Yun Jinli said the main characteristics, feeling extremely anxious.

"Girl, there are two temples you mentioned, one on the east side and one on the west side of the mountain, both of which are outside the city."

The old woman replied, seeing that she bought all the vegetables, she knew everything.

"Which one is closer and the incense is more intense?"

Yun Jinli heard that there were actually two buildings separated by east and west, so she had to choose the right one, otherwise it would be too late.

"That's naturally the Dongshan Temple on the Lingshan Mountain in the east, and the Xishan Temple in the west. The mountain road is difficult, but few people go there."

As soon as the old woman finished speaking, she disappeared in front of her eyes, leaving only the coins.

She rubbed her eyes, thinking she was seeing a phantom.

Yun Jinli hurried to Xishan Temple with Xiaodiandian, not daring to stop for a moment, for fear that something would happen to Xilingtian if he went late.

"Xiaotian, you have to hold on!"

She and Xilingtian are close friends, the two have lived and died together, and their friendship is very deep.

(End of this chapter)

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