The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 289 The Auction of the Seventh Pavilion

Chapter 289 The Auction of the Seventh Pavilion

After returning to the painting building to put Xiao DianDian to sleep, Yun Jinli changed his clothes to a suitable length and put them on the side of his small bed.

Xiao DianDian is growing now, and the clothes often need to be resized, so she plans to go out and buy some clothes for him to change.

As soon as she stepped out of the mansion, she saw a soft sedan waiting at the door.

When a servant girl saw her coming out, she stepped forward with graceful steps, as if she was a lady of a great family.

The servant girl's expression was a little proud, and she had a natural sense of superiority.

"What's the matter with you?"

Yun Jinli glanced at them lightly. These people must be busy waiting at the door.

It's just that she didn't have a good impression of the maidservant's superior posture.

"Our young master invites the young lady to the teahouse in front to have a gathering."

The maid said, she didn't understand why the young master would invite such a little girl to the teahouse, she was just here to spread the word.

"Who is your son?"

When Yun Jinli saw her coming to invite someone, she still looked like she was being dragged, and her voice was a little cold.

"Young Master Yu, he is our young master."

The maidservant's eyes were full of admiration, and her cheeks were flushed.

"Don't go."

After leaving these words, Yun Jinli stepped forward and ignored them.

She still has things to do now, so she is too lazy to talk to Yu Xuanfeng.

But it doesn't mean that she let Hua Simeng and Yuxuanfeng go, this game has just begun, and she doesn't want it to end so soon.

Not surprisingly, they will all participate in the registration of Longyuan Saint Mansion, and they will naturally have a chance to take revenge when the time comes.

"She! She turned down Young Master Yu's invitation! Our young master has never invited any woman before, so it's really annoying that she doesn't know what's good!"

Seeing Yun Jinli leaving in a flick of her sleeves, the maid said angrily.

"How should I explain to the young master now?"

She said anxiously, she failed to do what the young master asked her to do, so in the eyes of the young master, wouldn't she be ineffective?

Thinking of this, she felt a little resentful towards Yun Jinli.

She wanted to catch up with Yun Jinli, but she was nowhere to be seen.

There is no curfew in Yunchuan City, and it is still bustling and lively at night.Red lanterns hung along the river, the light and shadow swaying in the water waves.

She walked into a clothing store, picked out a lot, and walked out when she didn't find the clothes she liked.

She loves Xiao DianDian the most and hopes to give him the best.

When choosing clothes for him, it is natural to choose what she is satisfied with.

She picked several shops in a row, but none of them were as good as she thought.

"Boss, do you have any softer clothes that are suitable for children?"

Yun Jinli touched these little clothes, and found that the fabric was too hard, so it must be uncomfortable to wear them.

"Girl, we are a small shop with a small business, and the fabrics we buy are relatively common. If a girl needs better clothes, you can go to the Seventh Pavilion to buy them. The things there are mostly treasures. No matter what you want, almost can be bought.”

The store owner spoke and gave her a suggestion.

"I heard that because the children of all ethnic groups gathered in Yunchuan City, the Seventh Pavilion is holding an auction house! There must be a lot of good things!"

"Is the Seventh Pavilion far from here?"

When Yun Jinli heard that the Seventh Pavilion was holding an auction, she became somewhat interested.

"The girl doesn't seem to be a local. The Seventh Pavilion is on the next street. Go through the alley behind here, and you will be the most prosperous street in Yunchuan City."

The shopkeeper replied, pointing her in the direction.

"Thank you for letting me know."

Yun Jinli walked along the road pointed by the shop owner, through the alley lined with lanterns, and arrived at another street.

The fragrance of flowers and the sound of water in South Street were all dissipated by the hustle and bustle here, and the street was bustling with traffic, which was more lively than during the day.

(End of this chapter)

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