Chapter 291 An Exquisite Clothes
"It's really ugly people do more mischief! If you are ugly and cover your face, you really think you are a fairy."

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on the woman, Hua Simeng couldn't help but speak.

Hua Simeng's voice was not loud, but the other party seemed to hear it, and looked at her with a bit of coldness in his eyes, which made Hua Simeng tremble suddenly.

"Master, look, this woman must have been transformed into a vixen, with the spirit of a demon!"

She hurriedly hid behind the burly man beside her, and said timidly.

He is the spirit hunter, Lou Min, hired by the Hua family with a lot of money.

At this moment, Lou Min didn't speak. He was invited to kill evil spirits, but not to be her bodyguard.

It's just that there is indeed a ghost on her body, which proves that she was invaded by ghosts.

Since the other party wanted to harm her, he would not let it go, so he followed her to see if he could find the evil ghost.

The compass pointer in his hand moved, and the bell around his waist moved.

"It's ghostly!"

Holding a compass in his hand, he entered the crowd, looking for the ghosts and monsters that caused the compass and the bell to move.

He chased all the way into the Seventh Pavilion, but was stopped outside.

"The Seventh Pavilion can only be entered by those who provide auction items tonight."

He was stopped by the people from Seventh Pavilion, and he could only watch helplessly as that figure got further and further away.

"Hey! Where's the person?"

Hua Simeng saw that the master who was by her side disappeared in a blink of an eye, and she was a little flustered.

She didn't dare to go out at night, she was frightened last time.

Today, with this powerful spirit hunter, she dared to come out at night.

Unexpectedly, he disappeared, which made her pale with fright, and hurried into the Seventh Pavilion.

Yun Jinli entered the Seventh Pavilion, and she took out the elixir as an auction item.

Now that the auction has not officially started, she is wandering around the place where the treasures are sold in the Seventh Pavilion.

The items here are dazzling, and there are all kinds of treasures. As long as you take out what the other party needs, you can buy the treasures you need here.

At this time, she saw a small and delicate dress, and her eyes lit up.

"Tell me about this dress!"

"This girl has a good eye. This one is not an ordinary dress, but a magic weapon that can change in size. It is made of magic colored stone crystals combined with snow brocade forging, and delicate patterns are embroidered with gold and silver silk." .”

A waiter from the Seventh Pavilion began to introduce.

"Touch and see the material of this dress. It's extremely soft. Most importantly, it's also very breathable, making it very comfortable to wear."

"It's a good item, but what's the price?"

Yun Jinli was very satisfied with this dress, she believed that Xiao DianDian would definitely like it.

"This dress is not sold for coins, but for barter."

The waiter said, some of these things are sent to the Seventh Pavilion for sale, and if they need to exchange something, it is the intention of the seller.

"I've also taken a fancy to this dress. Whatever price she offers, this lady will pay double."

Nangong Lianyi slipped out to get some air, and when she saw Yun Jinli here, she immediately came over to make things difficult for her.

"What will the seller offer in exchange? Is there a requirement?"

Yun Jinli ignored her directly, she really didn't bother to compete with this kind of spoiled young lady.

"The main seller is the materials needed for the refiner, all kinds of spirit stones are available."

the waiter replied.

"If both of you want this item, then according to the value of the items you offer, the one with the highest price will get it."

"Refining materials."

Yun Jinli thought that she didn't seem to have collected any materials. Apart from a few precious spiritual herbs, she had nothing else to exchange.

What the other party wanted was not spirit herbs and elixirs, and they didn't need coins, which made her a little embarrassed.

"I have the refining materials!"

Nangong Lianyi said enthusiastically, and immediately took out a colorful stone and put it on the table.

(End of this chapter)

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