Chapter 308 Everything Is Unlucky Today

When they reached the main street not far from home, Yun Jinli asked Bei Chenjue to leave.

"I'll be home soon, and I'm not a child, so there's no need to send it off."

"Then get some rest when you go back."

Seeing that this place is very close to the house and there are lamps on the road, Bei Chenjue nodded.

He felt that there was something wrong with the blood hosta, so he rushed to the star building.

He got the news that not only his subordinates have been missing in the past few days, but also ordinary people.But they all have one thing in common, that is, they are all young men.

This matter also attracted the attention of the Yunchuan City government, but all the people they went to investigate the case disappeared.

This matter has been temporarily suppressed, otherwise it will cause panic.

Now is a special period, and children from all ethnic groups have rushed to Yunchuan City. If something happens, it will be a violent storm.

"What is the origin of that flower just now? I don't know who will get that lamp in the end? Am I guessing right?"

She glanced in the direction of the Seventh Pavilion, and then walked towards the residence.

At this time, she saw a light point flashing in the distance, as if a figure passed by the long street, running towards where she was.

Behind that figure, followed by white birds all over the sky, jumping under the moon, this scene is extremely shocking.

But in an instant, the figure in the distance came in front of her.The man was obviously a little surprised when he saw her.

No one would be on the street at this hour.

The speed of that person was like lightning, he was still far away a second ago, but now he arrived in front of her.

"It seems that I can only take you!"

Before Yun Jinli could react, her hand was pulled by the man, and she flew into the sky.

There are countless white flying birds behind him, chasing him closely, it seems that they are chasing and killing this person.

When Yun Jinli was about to resist, he heard his voice fall in his ears.

"If you don't want to be torn to pieces by the group of things behind, just be obedient and don't move around!"

The man's voice is nice, and it sounds like he shouldn't be very old.

Yun Jinli also sensed the murderous intent from behind, and she did not doubt his words.

Seeing that she didn't move, his sexy and beautiful lips moved slightly up to the sides.

"That's good!"

He said with satisfaction that if he hadn't seen her happen to be on the street and was worried that he would be implicated, he would not have taken her with him.

If she is noisy and doesn't cooperate, then there is no guarantee that he will abandon her.

He hates noisy women the most, only smart women are cute.

"I'm totally out of luck today."

Yun Jinli was also riding a tiger at the moment, she happened to meet him on the way he was being hunted down, and the sky was full of murderous white birds behind him, if she couldn't get away from them, she might be implicated.

The strange man beside him was not nervous at all, he looked calm and calm.

He wore a silver-white flying feather mask on his face, which covered the upper half of his face, but still couldn't hide his handsome outline.

The bridge of the nose like white jade and the lips like red lotus are all flawless.

The purple robe was extremely elegant, flying along with his long hair as black as ebony.

What impressed her the most was his pair of eyes shining like glass, like a clear spring, extremely clear.It is also like a wisp of cloud in the heart of heaven, making people unpredictable.

His eyelashes are very long, extremely black, curly and thick, making his eyes even more beautiful.

These are the most beautiful eyes she has ever seen, full of agility.

They flew past the long street, and the wind rolled up the rain of snow-white flowers. Under the bright moonlight, it was breathtakingly beautiful.

With a wave of the man's long sleeves, the flying flowers and rain shot towards the flock of white birds behind, like a sharp arrow piercing through the air, with fierce power.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The white birds exploded one by one, but what made one's scalp tingle was that those exploded white birds turned into a group of smaller white birds, and then continued to chase after them.

"How is this going?"

Seeing these inexhaustible white birds, Yun Jinli couldn't help but widen her beautiful eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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