Chapter 312 Fascinating Tenderness

"Well, good night then."

Yun Jinli nodded. He was also tired all day and needed to rest early.

Bei Chenjue was walking towards the stairs, when he suddenly remembered that when he came in, he came in a hurry and forgot to close the door, and it was windy at night, so he had to close the door.


A gust of wind blew into the house and blew out the candles, and the room became dark all of a sudden.

"It's windy at night, so don't open the windows too much. Although the weather is hot, don't be greedy for coolness."

He closed the door, and when he came in, Yun Jinli was standing next to the candle holding the torch, just about to light the lamp.

She felt a familiar soft light emanating from his body, and raised her eyes to him.

The jade pendant hanging around his waist was emitting a soft light at this moment, and as the surrounding area got darker, the light became brighter.

The whole room seemed to have turned into a blue ocean, with dots of white brilliance reflected from the fringed tassels, which made her stunned in place in shock.

The fire folder in his hand fell to the ground, his shoulders trembled slightly, and he felt that it was difficult to breathe.

Excitement surged in her heart, like a raging tide, drowning her.

The heart was beating like a small drum, and the sound was very clear.

"Why don't you light the lights?"

Bei Chenjue asked suspiciously, his magnetic voice fell softly.His eyes, like a spring breeze, stared at her.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw her small and exquisite figure throwing herself into his arms, hugging him with both hands.

There was crystal water in her eyes, as if tears of joy might fall at any moment.

"what happened?"

He was taken aback by her hug, not knowing what was wrong with her, so he stretched out his hand and patted her on the back lightly, comforting her softly.

"Are you afraid of the dark? Don't be afraid, I won't be afraid when I light up the lamp."

Speech full of doting, full of intoxicating tenderness.

He is obviously such a cold person, yet he can be so gentle that it makes one's heart go soft.

Listening to his voice, Yun Jinli felt a corner of her heart sink and became extra soft.

"Little brother! You are my North Star, aren't you?"

She hugged him tightly, afraid that this was just her illusion, as long as she let go, he would disappear.

In countless nights, she had blown out all the lamps, held that jade pendant with both hands, and watched the room turn into a sea of ​​stars.

In the blue light, there are dots of stars, except for the jade pendant, there is nothing else.

She is so familiar that she doesn't need to confirm it, because it can't be wrong.

There is also the song "Winter Day", which was taught by her little brother, and he can also play it.

Every time she sees him, she always feels familiar.

She originally thought that she was thinking too much, but now that all kinds of coincidences come together, it is no longer a coincidence.

She heard his heart beating faster, patting the hand on her back, and stopped there suddenly, her body trembled slightly, and her nose felt sore.

She was so happy to find him, just as he found her, a heart filled with joy.

She still remembered him and never forgot!
Just like him, he never forgot the days when they were together.

That period of the best time, white and flawless memory.

"Little Yunduo, I am your North Star! No matter where you are, no matter how dark the night is, I will accompany you and light your way forward."

Bei Chenjue finally nodded, her gentle and melodious voice fell on her ears, it was the most beautiful sound of nature she had ever heard.

When he called her Xiao Yunduo, she knew she had found him.

She patted her head in frustration, causing him to hold her hand in distress.

"I'm so stupid, I should have thought of it earlier. Your name is Beichenjue, and Beichen means Polaris."

She realized later that she had always guessed before, and was never sure.If she had spoken decisively, they would have recognized each other long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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