The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 314 I'll Marry You When You Grow Up

Chapter 314 I'll Marry You When You Grow Up

Yun Jinli was a little disappointed when she heard the words, she wished she could go back and take revenge now, but this was in another continent after all.

There is no clue about who is behind the scenes.

It seems that there is no rush for this matter. Although that snowy sea may connect two continents, it is too dangerous after all.

They also happened to encounter that mysterious snow mountain at the beginning, otherwise they might never be able to get out.

"Jue, I lost our promised token, will you blame me?"

She looked at the half-moon jade pendant on Bei Chenjue's waist, and said guiltily.

She didn't tell Bei Chenjue that she came back from the dead, and the original owner of this body is two or three years younger than her, about thirteen or fourteen years old.

After so many years, since he didn't find anything wrong with her, and she didn't point it out, she didn't want him to be involved in those right and wrong.

In her heart, he is very important.

"How can I blame you? As long as you are well, I will be satisfied."

Bei Chenjue took off the half-moon jade pendant from her waist, and put it in her palm.

The soft light emanating from the jade pendant is so beautiful that it takes one's breath away.

"This jade pendant is for you, and I will try to find the other jade pendant."

"How can this be done? This jade pendant belongs to you."

Yun Jinli shook her head, although she was used to wearing the half-moon jade pendant on her body, this piece was Bei Chenjue's jade pendant.

She returned the jade pendant to him and put it in his hand.

She knew that piece of jade pendant would never be found.

"It's yours now."

Bei Chenjue didn't take back the jade pendant, but took her hand and turned it over.

"This jade pendant represents our agreement. It doesn't matter if the token is lost, because the agreement will not be lost."

He left the jade pendant for her, took her out of the house, and lit the candles.

"It's late at night, go to bed early!"

Yun Jinli lay on the bed holding the half-moon jade pendant in her hand.

"our promise."

Looking at this jade pendant, she recalled the agreement between them.

His youthful voice resounded in his ears, extremely clear and resounding.

"Little Yunduo, if we can leave here alive, I will marry you when you grow up, okay?"


"You and I will each have half of this jade pendant. When we grow up in the future, we will be able to recognize each other by this."

There was a blush on her beautiful face. She wanted to find him for so many years because she was thinking about whether he was safe or not.

Bei Chenjue brought up the matter agreed upon with this piece of jade pendant again, and she only realized it later.

"He gave me this jade pendant to tell me that he never forgot his promise."

She understood what he meant, when she grows up, he will marry her!
The jade pendant in her palm seemed to be burning hot, making her whole body burn.

Did she forget?

She didn't forget, but she didn't expect that he really wanted to marry her.

Holding the half-moon jade pendant, she couldn't calm down for a long time.Tossing and turning on the bed, did not fall asleep all night.

She didn't know what was wrong with her, but her heart was always beating very fast, and the sound was very clear.

Bei Chenjue's voice and smile always popped up in his mind, his single smile could set off fireworks all over the sky.

When I first met him in Purple Moon Valley, he came riding a dragon, shining brilliantly.

People who originally thought that they were two worlds that were out of reach, never thought that there would be today's intersection.

"Am I sick?"

She got up and looked through medical books, trying to find out what was wrong with her and why she was always thinking about him.

Knowing that he was the person she had been looking for and waiting for, she felt that the distance between the two of them was suddenly shortened.

The seeds of their fate had been planted very early.

Just wait for him to water the rain and dew, the spring will be warm and the flowers will bloom, and the season will be fragrant.

(End of this chapter)

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