Chapter 316

When Bei Chenjue woke up from the dizziness, there was no one in front of him.

This seemed to be just a dream as gorgeous as fireworks, and the bloom would disappear, so beautiful that he felt unreal.

He reached out to touch his lips, and there was still the daughter's fragrance she left on his lips.

At this moment, Yun Jinli had already brought Xiao DianDian and Mu Ruoxin to the registration office. Since several days had passed, the number of people who registered was much less.

It was only dawn now, so when Yun Jinli went, no one else had signed up, which saved her from queuing up.

At the registration office, only Yun Xinghe was there to prepare.

He came early and I could tell he was a very responsible person.

"We want to sign up."

Yun Jinli stepped forward, seeing him at such a close distance, he felt somewhat familiar.

"You need to test on this spirit ball first to prove that you are of the right age."

Yun Xinghe pointed to a crystal spirit ball on the table, which was used to test age.

If the spirit ball can emit white light, it means that the age is suitable, and if it glows red, it means that the age is exceeded.

Seeing that the light emitted by them was all white after touching, he nodded.

"Fill in your names here, you need to fill it in yourself."

Yun Xinghe took out the registration booklet and asked them to fill in their names.

After Yun Jinli and Mu Ruoxin finished writing, they hugged Xiao DianDian.

"Is this little kid going to sign up too?"

Yun Xinghe said dumbfounded, it was the first time he saw the little milk baby sign up.

"My age has not exceeded the limit, why can't I sign up?"

Xiao DianDian said in a childish voice, making it impossible for Yun Xinghe to refute.

"This...but it's really too small..."

Yun Xinghe hesitated for a moment, wondering if a baby like Xiaodiandian could sign up.

"Let him sign up! It's just that when participating in the assessment, life and death are at your own risk."

A cold voice fell, Yun Jinli saw the person coming, it was the exile who answered the second couplet and listened to her playing the piano.

"Okay, Luna!"

Yun Xinghe called this person the Moon God, and Yun Jinli guessed that this was not the person's real name, but a title.

"meet again."

Yun Jinli nodded towards the Banished Immortal, who only nodded slightly, and then left here without talking to her, his temper as cold as ice.

"Don't mind, Moon God has such a cold temper, he doesn't talk much to anyone."

Yun Xinghe explained that he was already used to it.

"Is this Banished Immortal's name called Moon God?"

Yun Jinli asked, somewhat curious about this exile.

"Moon God is a title given by all of us. His name is Feng Liuyue. He is the strongest student in Longyuan Sacred Mansion. Even though Moon God is young, but his strength is so strong that it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a monster. You If you are lucky enough to join Longyuan Sacred Palace, you will naturally know the power of the Moon God in the future."

Yun Xinghe said with a look of admiration, picked up the name written in a small dot, and recorded it.

Then he gave each of them two jade plaques, which had to be blended into their own blood, with their names on them, and one of them was to be handed over to him for safekeeping.

"There is no one else now, can you take a step to speak?"

Yun Jinli saw the name on his badge and spoke to him.

"Sorry, we at Longyuan Sacred Mansion can't cheat, everything depends on ourselves."

Yun Xinghe thought she was going to bribe him, so he spoke.

"Did you know that Qingyun Country has changed hands?"

Yun Jinli spoke to him via voice transmission, and when he heard this, his complexion changed suddenly.

"Who the hell are you? How did you know that I'm from Qingyun Kingdom!"

Yun Xinghe immediately asked, seeing that no one came to sign up, he and Yun Jinli walked to a secluded place aside.

"Didn't you see my name?"

Yun Jinli could hear his voice and confirmed his identity.

(End of this chapter)

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