Chapter 325

Yun Jinli tightly held her mother's skinny hand, and suddenly saw the red lotus ring on her finger.

Heart trembled suddenly, and suddenly opened the floodgate of memory.

The sky is as blue as misty rain, the warm wind is the season when the face feels wet.

The peach blossoms are flying, and the blue silk is blowing on the willows.

The imperial palace with carved railings and jade blocks stands tall and majestic.Green tiles and glazed tiles, red walls and bluestones.

In the royal garden of the imperial palace, under a scorching peach tree, a beautiful woman held a pink baby girl in her arms.

The gentle humming sound echoed in her ears.

Her slender and beautiful jade fingers pinched the peach petals that fell on the baby, and the lifelike red lotus ring on her finger was made of unknown red spar, shining brightly in the sun.

Her eyes fixed on the baby girl, full of love and indulgence.

The baby girl wears a lapis lazuli tassel around her neck, and her pink face is extraordinarily cute.

"Li'er, mother will definitely protect you!"

Her beautiful eyes seemed to hide the misty misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River, with a bit of unspeakable melancholy in the haze.

Yun Jinli was still young at that time, but she clearly remembered the appearance of her mother and concubine.

In her and father's heart, mother and concubine are the most beautiful women in the world.

It's a pity that the concubine mother died of illness when she was young, and the emperor invited famous doctors from all over the country, but no one could cure her.

Her mother and concubine were named Liu Lianqing, the red lotus in the water, and only Wen Yuqing.

It was a woman who looked like a nine-day phoenix, extremely noble, possessed extraordinary wisdom, and was proficient in divination.

She once predicted that Yun Jinli would have a calamity at the age of 16, and in the end she answered the calamity.

Manpower is limited and cannot be against the sky.

"Mother, we're home!"

Yun Jinli brought her home and immediately sent her to Ruan Qinghe's bamboo garden.

"Mo Yu, help me tidy up a room and come out."

She has to take care of her mother now, so she can't leave, so she asks Mo Yu for help.

The original mansion is not empty now, with many people living there.The dilapidated places have also been repaired by cold wine.

In addition to taking care of her grandfather, Mu Ruoxin also helped clean up the house, so with a little tidying up, the empty house can be occupied.

"Well, I'll make arrangements."

Mo Yu nodded, and picked a bright room near the bamboo garden, tidied up the room, and laid out bedding and other supplies.

Mo Yu usually takes care of Bei Chenjue's basic necessities of life, so he is very proficient in doing it.

"Qing He, save people quickly!"

When Ruan Qinghe was mixing medicinal materials in the room, she heard Yun Jinli's voice and hurried out.

"Put the person on the soft couch! I'll show her."

She untied the cloak on the woman's body, and seeing the cold iron hook passing through the lute bone, she couldn't help but gasped, showing a look of unbearable.

"It is necessary to take out the cold iron hook, but the hook has grown into the flesh. If you want to take it out, you have to cut the flesh and blood again, which is extremely painful. Even if my master does it himself, it is difficult to guarantee that it will not hurt the bones. "

Ruan Qinghe saw that the woman's condition was very serious, if she didn't take out the cold iron hook, it would be very painful, even if she moved her body, she would feel severe pain.

"The most important thing is that she is already very weak. I'm afraid she will bleed too much. To be honest, if I do it, she may not survive."

"I'll get it!"

Yun Jinli said, Ruan Qinghe didn't dare to do it, so she would do it.

She won't let mother die, she will definitely free her from the pain.

"Qinghe, help me, I can't wait any longer."

She couldn't just watch her mother suffer like this, not even for a moment!
"Jin'er, you are not a doctor. I'm afraid that if you do it, the patient will be in great danger. But don't be discouraged, I know someone who can save her! Much more reliable than you! That person's medical skills, even I can only Can look up."

Ruan Qinghe said.

(End of this chapter)

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