The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 328 Don't Say Chapters Are Cute

Chapter 328

Feng Liuyue removed the rotten flesh without changing his expression, then sprinkled the powder on it, and then took out the needle and thread.

With a movement of her slender jade fingers, the wound was neatly stitched up.

"I've already removed the carrion from her body, and the wound has been stitched up."

Seeing her finish these things at such an astonishing speed, Yun Jinli believed what Ruan Qinghe said.

"It's not human!"

It was the first time Yun Jinli had seen such miraculous medical skills, and she would not have believed it if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes.

"Her body is seriously damaged. I have a elixir here that can make her recover."

Feng Liuyue took out a crystal elixir, and the whole room exuded an incomparably rich medicinal fragrance, even smelling the elixir's aroma, one would feel as if the pores had been opened.

"Here! What kind of elixir is this? Why do I think the tier is very high? This elixir requires at least a five-star medicine psychic to refine it."

Ruan Qinghe swallowed, feeling a little trembling even when speaking.

She was stunned by Feng Liuyue's medical skills before, but the pill she took out at this moment shocked her even more.

Yun Jinli also had good eyesight, so she could tell at a glance that this elixir was extraordinary, but Feng Liuyue didn't seem nervous about the elixir, and handed it to her very casually.

"This is the Seven Star Transforming Butterfly Pill, which can transform people into butterflies, cleanse their marrow, and reshape their spirit bodies. If you take it at your age, the effect will be even better. If your mother takes it, it can restore her withered flesh and blood." vitality."

Feng Liuyue said lightly, but what she said was shocking.

The seven-star elixir, even if it is on the Longyuan Continent, is extremely expensive.

You must know that Yun Jinli's two-star elixir was snapped up by all the big families, let alone the seven-star elixir.

Even if Yun Jinli went bankrupt, she might not be able to afford it.

She knew that when the seven-star elixir was refined, it would cause a vision of heaven and earth, and this top-grade elixir would attract pill thunder.

She carefully observed the texture left by Dan Lei on the pill, indicating that it had caused Dan Lei.

Yun Jinli fed this Butterfly Pill to her mother, and after taking the pill, her body was wrapped in light, as if a cocoon had wrapped her up.

"Mr. Feng, no, it's Sister Yue. Was this pill refined by your father?"

Ruan Qinghe heard from her master that Feng Liuyue's mother is a very powerful master of medicine and spirits, and she is really very powerful at refining seven-star elixir.

"My mother hasn't refined such a low-grade elixir for a long time, and I used it for practice."

Feng Liuyue said casually, but didn't take this matter to heart.

Ruan Qinghe was speechless, she deeply felt how far away she was from a genius.

The elixir that others practice casually is a height that she can't reach in her life.

"You're still cuter when you're silent!"

Yun Jinli was also hit hard. Although Yun Jinli was new to refining medicine, she also knew that it was very difficult to refine high-star elixir.

The most important thing is that the medicinal materials are burning money!

She can be sure that Feng Liuyue is a rich man, an absolute hero!

"Thank you for saving my mother, you can tell me now, what do you want?"

Yun Jinli took Feng Liuyue outside to talk, she would not go back on what they had agreed upon before.

"It's not like I completely saved your mother. Although her body can recover, she won't live for long."

Feng Liuyue said to her that she had probed the woman's body with spiritual power just now, and there was a strange force inside, it was suspected to be a curse or something.

"Do you know the reason and solution?"

Yun Jinli didn't question Feng Liuyue's words, but asked her method directly.

"There is a way, but it's too illusory."

Feng Liuyue nodded and said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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